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Title: | 國有土地標售之信號對住宅市場價格影響之研究-以臺北市為例 A Study of the Impact on the Prices in the Residential Market by a Winning Bidding Price of Public Land:A Case Study of Taipei City |
Authors: | 李青塘 Lee, Ching Tang |
Contributors: | 林秋瑾 李青塘 Lee, Ching Tang |
Keywords: | 土地標售 信號 正向信號 負向信號 時差變數迴歸模型 tender bid of land signal positive signal negative signal Time Lag Regression Model |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-02 13:59:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 臺灣房市自SARS以來,走過十年房市大多頭,使得地價與房價不斷上漲,成為社會關注之重要民生問題。縱使不少學者已對地價及房價有豐富的研究,但分析房地產市場時,並未考量非經濟因素如:選舉等特殊事件,導致臺灣房地產投資人在預測未來房地產景氣時,產生偏離預期。過去因歷次房地產飆漲的導火線大部分原因與國有土地的標售有關,最明顯的例子:1987年華航旁國有土地標售,是為造成週遭住宅房價飆漲的導火線。因此,國有土地標售也可能影響周圍住宅房價上漲或下跌為本研究探討之議題。 本文以臺北市為實證分析標的,彙整過去關於土地標售之相關文獻,並歸納土地標售及信號之特徵價格理論觀點,並利用時差變數迴歸模型實證分析的結果,國有土地標售之信號對於標售土地所在區域的住宅市場價格具有方向及強度影響力,正向土地標售信號與負向土地標售信號對房價的影響存在差異性,且因不同景氣循環對房價具影響力,即在國有標售地近距離一公里內時,其在標售的當期能迅速反應房價的變化;在中距離兩公里內反應房價的變化需兩個月;遠距離兩公里至三公里時需三個月後,信號對於房價才會產生影響作用,但此時景氣逐漸影響擴大,其信號擴散範圍至3公里時已逐漸減弱,較不受影響,完全明顯是受到景氣影響大於重要信號變數。 Ever since the SARS outbreak, Taiwan has experienced a boom in the housing market for ten years. This resulted in a continued growth in the value of land and houses, which became a critical livelihood matter that drawn attention of society. Despite there has been abundant research on land and house values conducted by quite many scholars, non-economic factors such as elections and other incidents were not included when analyzing the housing market. For property investors in Taiwan, this in term led to a deviation in the forecast of the future housing market. In the past, major property upturns were the result of the tender bid of public land. The tender bid of public land near China Airlines in 1987, for example, was the incident that contributed to the price increase of the surrounding residential units. In light of this, this research explores the impacts on the price of surrounding residential units by the tender bid of public land. Using Taipei City as an example, this research reviews the literature related to the tender bid of land, organizes the characteristics of price theories of both the tender bid of land and the signal, as well as applies the result of Time Lag Regression Model. It is found that the signal of tender bid of public land has spread-over and intensity impacts on the price in the residential market where the land is located. Impacts on the housing prices are different between the positive tender bid signal of land and the negative one. Different market cycles also exert impacts on housing prices. Within a one-kilometer radius of the tender bid of the public land, there are immediate changes in housing prices. Within a radius of one to two kilometers, it takes two months to see the changes. Within a radius of two to three kilometers, it takes more than three months to see the impacts of a signal on housing prices. Market cycles, however, have greater impacts than signals. Impacts of a signal diminish outside a radius of three kilometers. At this point, market cycles, rather than the signal variables, become the main contributor to changes in the housing prices. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系碩士在職專班 101923022 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101923022 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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