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    Title: 人類之精神疾病與靈附:當代靈療之疾病觀與應用
    Spirit Possession and Psychiatric Disorders:The Concept and Practice of Spiritual Healing
    Authors: 朱淑華
    Joo, Sue Hwa
    Contributors: 謝世維
    Hsieh, Shu Wei
    Joo, Sue Hwa
    Keywords: 精神疾病
    Mental Disorder
    Spiritual Healing
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2016-05-02 13:53:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 精神疾病是人類非常古老的一種疾病。自古以來,人類的老祖宗就將「瘋狂」歸咎於外在的超自然力量的介入,認為是魔鬼或邪靈進入身體或心靈把人逼瘋。因此,不論古今東西文化與宗教,精神疾病的病因與治療傳統上多由宗教來處理,並且視「瘋癲」為「魔鬼」或「邪靈」附體造成,世界各文化相繼發展出類似的神鬼說法與靈療(Spiritual Healing)系統。自古世界各國、各大宗教包括基督宗教、佛教公案、道教都有靈療治癒疾病的記載。靈療雖然在強調生物機轉之實證醫學與物質的科學概念盛行下被質疑而式微,但至今許多國家之文化、宗教,人類學及醫學文獻上仍持續有靈療之醫療報導與紀錄。
    世界衛生組織(WHO)已鄭重宣告:精神疾病將成為廿一世紀人類三大疾病之一。而全球政治經濟在這個時代裡更加快速的在轉型,導致精神疾病患者也大量增加,但如今醫學界對於精神病的病因仍然無法完全掌握。人類在歷經精神病治療的黑暗期後,即使到科學高度發展的現代,當人們遭受了重大疾病或心靈創傷時,在無法得到現代醫學藥物有效的幫助後,最終依然回歸求助於宗教或靈療。不論在宗教或非宗教的場域中,靈療正蓬勃的以各種民間療法或另類療法的形式出現在全球各地。本文從作者三十餘年靈療治療各類疾病患者中選錄八位精神病患者實例的分析加上文獻回顧,發現精神疾病背後,病患多數之潛在病因與靈附確實有關連,因而不可單以生物學上之生理或心理的疾病現象來診斷或治療。從靈療之觀點來看精神疾病,它應該是累世及現世因果業力作用的示現。患者如果能透過誠心懺悔的實踐,才是精神疾病患者療癒與否之決定性關鍵。針對當代精神醫學越來越朝向無心靈的生物精神醫學( biological psychiatry)發展,忽略生物與靈魂(spirit)之間彼此雙向的影響,本文提出反思的重要性。
    Mental disorder is as old as mankind itself. In ancient times, people considered “madness” an act imposed by a supernatural power, and believed that it was the “devil” or “demonic spirit(s)” who invaded a person’s body and/or mind that drove him insane. This belief was universally accepted across the western and the eastern cultures as well as among various religions,and led to the concept of divine beings and demons. Religious healing (faith healing) and spiritual healing emerged as means to exorcise the evils from those who were affected. It thus can be conceived that ancient intervention in treating psychiatric disorders is within the realm of religion. Since the dawn of written history, all major religions, including Christianity, Buddhism and Taoism, had documented the practice of spiritual healing. Nowadays, although spiritual healing practices are diminishing due to the rise of the evidence-based medical thinking and modern technologies, spiritual healings are not abandoned by common people. Cases treated by the spiritual healing are still reported in the religious, anthropological, and medical/health literatures.
    The World Health Organization regards psychiatric disorders as one of the global health burdens and challenges in this century. In the meantime, we are facing fast changes in political and social-economical welfare, which result in a rapid increase in the number of people suffering from psychiatric disorders. Due to many unsuccessful treatments by the conventional medicine, many people turn to spiritual healing as their last resource for a cure. In this article, we explore the metaphysical causality and the significance of karma and possession, in particular with schizophrenic disorders. Eight diagnosed cases, relating the spiritual possession and their recoveries after active spiritual healing sessions conducted by the author, are reported. The commonality among all these cases is the identification of one indispensable key to the restitution of mental well being, and that is the profound repentance of the individual’s misconducts in the present and the past lives. Therefore, profound repentance is considered to be the key to the effective treatment of possessed psychotic patients who are subdued by their karma. A revisit to the spiritual healing and its implications to the treatment of psychiatric disorders are also provided and discussed.
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