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Title: | 外匯期貨暨選擇權之研究─金融商品開放與金融規範析論 |
Authors: | 黃志松 HUANG, Chih-sung |
Contributors: | 蔡英文 黃志松 HUANG, Chih-sung |
Keywords: | 外匯期貨 外匯選擇權 金融創新 金融規範 Foreign Exchange Futures Foreign Exchange Options Financial Innovation Deregulation & Reregulation |
Date: | 1993 |
Issue Date: | 2016-04-29 16:42:55 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文共分七章二十七節。主要內容如下: GATT is the most important organization which governedrld trade since it was founded in 1948. since China15th trader in the world,so it certainly cannotutside of GATT.China`s special case has given rise to certain legalonomic problems,which have made its participation intill remain unsolved.legal issues come from China`s request for "resumptioninal membership".This request will cause difficult whens to some rights and obligations under GATT such asion ticket,grandfather clause and non-application clause.ms GATT will "acknowledge" China`s orginal seat,butneeds to negotiate is terms and obligations as a newant.economic problems are caused by China`s non-marketic system and its claim for developing country status.hough China has carried out many reforms on economicure,major GATT contracting parties still think China`sy and trade regime are not liberlized enough to fit GATT.ina`s great potential export power makes other countriesant to give China special treatment which other developingies enjoy.to China`s reform of its trade system,China only has toake tariff concession without undertaking other importments which some East European countries have made. Chinareally like to avoid discriminatory quantity restriction special safeguard clauses,but other contracting partiest likely to permit this.use of changes in international circumstances, theation of China`s participation has made no progress during991.After 1992,the negotiation begin to accelerate,butcan` t reach a certain conclusion. |
Reference: | 參考文獻
壹、中文部份( 按首字筆劃序)
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35 . Yehoshua Liebermann, " Economic Efficiency and Making of the Law: The Case of Transaction Costs in Jewish Law", Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. XV, June 1986, PP.
387~404. |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易學系 80351016 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002004156 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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