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    題名: 我國老年退休所得維持體系之階層化分析
    The Stratification of the Statutory Old-Aged Income Maintenance Systems in Taiwan.
    作者: 鄭鳳珠
    Cheng, Feng Chu
    貢獻者: 傅立葉
    Fu, Li Yeh
    Cheng, Feng Chu
    關鍵詞: 老年退休
    Income Maintenance
    Income Replacement Rate
    Social Stratification
    日期: 1993
    上傳時間: 2016-04-29 16:37:48 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 隨著人口結構變遷(高齡化),我國老年退休後的所得維持保障已日趨重要
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