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Title: | 中國官方牌價與調劑匯率趨勢之研究 |
Authors: | 林政翰 Lin, Zheng Han |
Contributors: | 朱美麗 Zhu, Mei Li 林政翰 Lin, Zheng Han |
Date: | 1995 |
Issue Date: | 2016-04-29 09:57:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 1980年起許多開發中國家紛紛進行外匯體制的改革,將原先所實行的複式匯率制或固定匯率制改為浮動匯率制,中國則在1994年進行外匯體制改革,取消原有官方牌價匯率與調劑匯率並存的「雙匯率制」,改制為市場為基礎的管理浮動匯率制度,而建立了統一規範的外匯市場。 In the 1980s, many developing countries starting foreign exchange regime reforms. They changed their orginal foreign exchange regimes such as a dual exchange rate system or a fixed exchange rate system to an unified floating exchange regime. In 1994, following this world trend, China(Peoples’s Republic of China)started a new foreign exchange regime reform. The China government abolished its original dual foreign exchange rate system which the official exchange rate had been co-existing with local adjustment exchange rate to a new market mechanism-orientated, unified, and managed floating exchange rate system. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經濟學系 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002003039 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經濟學系] 學位論文
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