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    Title: 建立「高等教育之勞動市場訊息系統」:可行性之探索
    Authors: 周育如
    Zhou, Yu-Ru
    Contributors: 馬信行
    Ma, Xin-Xing
    Zhou, Yu-Ru
    Date: 1995
    Issue Date: 2016-04-28 15:26:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探索建立我國「高等教育之勞動市場訊息系統」之可行性。第一章探討提供勞動市場訊息給高等教育的參與者之必要性,以說明為什麼要建立這樣的一個系統,以級由誰來負責建立較為恰當。第二章介紹了世界主要國家已發展出來的教育與勞動市場訊息系統,詳述其發展背景、提供的訊息內容、對未來預測的方法、對預測結果的呈現方式,以及提供訊息的服務;其後並站在我國欲建立這樣一個訊息系統的立場出發,對四大人力機的內涵作一整體的評估。第三章針對我國的現況,探討我國建立此系統的可行性,包括目前已具備的基礎,以及應改進的方向。第四章則大膽嘗試為「高等教育之勞動市場訊息系統」作開端,以現代取得的資料進行各類科教育與勞動市場情勢之分析。結果發現,專科部分,工科和商科增設得最多,其畢業生就業情勢也最差;大學部分,歷年以文法商科在勞動市場中最不討好;研究所則隨著近年設置量的增加,失業率有節節高升的情況。另外並進行了各類科行職業分佈的分析。結論則建議政府應定期公佈詳細的勞動市場訊息給所有高等教育的參與者,預測與分析結果並應每年更新。
    The thesis this dissertation is to explore the feasibility of establishing the “higher education and labor market information system”. There are six chapters, and the main content of each chapter is described as follows: Chapter One : the necessity of providing labor market information for all the higher education participants. Chapter Two : an introduction of the activities of four major labor market research institutes. Chapter Three : an evaluation of the existing foundation of our government to build such a system. Chapter Four : the empirical analysis of the employment situation of college graduates from different fields of study. Chapter Five are the result and discussion Finally, in the last chapter, the researcher suggests that our government should provide labor market information in details for students to make education choice and for higher education institutes to adjust the development of higher education.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002003006
    Data Type: thesis
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