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    政大機構典藏 > 理學院 > 心理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/87590
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    Title: 殘障福利法定額晉用規定推行不彰之原因探討--由雇主的態度分析
    The Ineffectiveness of the Quota Scheme for Employment the Disabled: An Analysis of Employers` Attitudes
    Authors: 陳鳳雅
    Chen, Fung-Ya
    Contributors: 陳彰儀
    Chen, Chang-I
    Chen, Fung-Ya
    Keywords: 殘障福利法
    Walfare Laws for the Invalid
    Quota scheme
    Attitudes toward the disabled
    Date: 1995
    Issue Date: 2016-04-28 15:18:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要在探討雇主對殘障工作者的印象、對定額晉用的態度、雇用殘障者態度及雇用行為四個變項的關係。參與本研究的受試為 272位服務於百人以上民營企業、有實際參與雇用決策且擔任現職一年以上之人事主管及單位主管。研究的結果發現:(一)雇主對殘障工作者持有正面的評價。(二)雖然雇主認為定額晉用制度是難以達成且不公平的,但是仍認為有其存在的必要。(三)在雇用態度上,雇主有高的雇用意願,認為雇用殘障者不會提升雇用成本,且同意雇用殘障者可獲致一些雇用上的利益。(四)在雇主個人變項與各項態度的相關上,研究發現:(1)低學歷者(高中以下) 較高學歷者(大學及研究所)有正向的態度。(2) 在工作場合中曾與殘障者接觸者較不曾接觸者有正向的態度。(3) 知道定額晉用規定者較不知道者有正向的態度。(五)在各項態度的相關上發現對殘障者印象、定額晉用態度與雇用殘障者態度間均有相關存在殘障者態度最有預測力。(六)在各項態度與行為的相關上發現人事主管中態度與行為的關聯性較單位主管強。(七)組織規模小的企業(較大企業)及製造業(較服務業)達成定額晉用的比例高。
    The purpose of this research was to explore the relationships between employers` impression toward the disabled, attitudes toward employmentthe disabled, attitudes toward the quota scheme (in Welfare Laws for theInvalid), and the performed behaviors for employment the disabled. Twohundred and seventy-two direct and personnel managers attended this research. The major findings of this study were as follows: (1) Employer shad favorable impression toward the disabled, especially on the dimension of job attitudes. (2) The quota scheme was evaluated to be difficult and unfaire, but also necessary. (3) Employers had high willing to employ thedisabled, and tought that to employ the disabled would not heighten the cost of employment, but also could gain some benefits. (4) Employers whohad lower educational level, who had contact with the disabled at work,or who knew of the quota scheme before attending this study had more favorable attitudes than had other employers. (5) There were positiverelationships between the impression toward the disabled, attitudes towardemployment the disabled and attitudes toward the quota scheme. (6)the linksbetween the attitudes and the performed behaviors were stronger in personnelmanagers than in direct managers. (7)The rate of achieving the legal numbersfor employment the disabled was heigher in manufacturing or small corporations tnan in service or large corporations.
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    吳武典、蔡崇建、黃淑芬、王華沛、廖永堅( 民83)。台北市民間工商企業機構僱用殘障者意願調查研究。特殊教育學刊,10期,75-101 。
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