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    Title: 保險期貨與期貨選擇權之研究
    Authors: 張經理
    Zhang, Jing-Li
    Contributors: 陳常沂
    Chen, Chang-Yi
    Zhang, Jing-Li
    Date: 1995
    Issue Date: 2016-04-28 15:12:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自從1992年開始,芝加哥交易所(CBOT)即開始推出一系列以保險業每季的賠款損失作為期貨交易的標的物,以使得保險公司、再保險公司或風險管理者可以藉由保險期貨去規避因承保業務造成的核保風險,或者是因巨災危險、健康保險業務、家庭全益業務所致的財產損失;然而這個新興的發展對於整個保險市場而言,無論是在穩定核保市場、降低交易成本及減少資訊不對稱,有著極重要的影響。
    Since 1992 the Chicago Board of Trade(COT)has developed a series of futures contracts based on insurance losses to allow insurers, reinsures, or risk managers to hedge against underwriting or property losses from catastrophes, health insurance, and homeowners policy. This development has the an important role in stabilizing the underwriting market and lowering the transaction costs and information asymmetries. This article introduces catastrophic insurance futures, catastrophic insurance futures options and their related possible problems. It also tests whether Taiwan’s casualty & property companies could hedge against the underwriting risk if catastrophic insurance futures were available. After the empirical analysis, a catastrophe loss process which is similar to Cummins and Geman(1995)method of pricing catastrophic insurance futures is used in my simulation study.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002002951
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[風險管理與保險學系] 學位論文

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