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Title: | 中英關於香港問題聯合聲明談判之研究 Study of the Negotiation of Sino-British Joint Declaration for Hongkong`s Future |
Authors: | 周幼群 Chou, Yu-Chun |
Contributors: | 金神保 Chin, Sheng-Pao 周幼群 Chou, Yu-Chun |
Keywords: | 香港問題 聯合聲明 Hong Kong question Joint declaration |
Date: | 1996 |
Issue Date: | 2016-04-28 13:51:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本篇論文主要在研究一九八二年至一九八四年,中共與英國關於香港前途問題的聯合聲明談判之過程與內容,並藉此明瞭中英雙方對香港政策的轉變,以及對港政策之價值所在。本文第一部份在說明香港前途問題的歷史淵源,包括中國國民黨政府欲收回香港地區的努力與失敗。其次解析香港前途問題持續的狀況和原因。第三部份在呈現中英談判的提出與過程,包括起初的試探、雙方對談判的準備和難題、以及談判的膠著與轉折。第四部份說明中英雙方關切的議題要點,分析對港態度轉變的因素,並及於香港在香港前途問題談判中的角色分析。最後為對談判的評估。 The thesis is attempted to search for the negotiation process and issues of the 1984 Joint Declaration between the PRC and the Great Britain for Hong Kong`s future, and to present the consistency and change of the policy of the two parties to Hong Kong in terms of the Sino-British agreement. The first part of the thesis introduces the historical roots of the Hong Kong question, including the KMT`s failure of resumption. The second part shows the Hong Kong question persists to this day. The third demonstrates the process of the negotiation. The fourth analyses the issues and the factors of changes, and the Hong Kong`s role in the negotiation of the agreement. The last is the evaluation of the agreement. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 外交學系 G796308 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002002598 |
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