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Title: | 兒茶酚胺類神經傳遞系統與多角迷津行為表現之探討 Catecholamine Neurotransmission Systems on the Behavioral Performance of the Radial Arm Maze in the Rat. |
Authors: | 賴文崧 Lai, Wen-Sung |
Contributors: | 廖瑞銘 Liao, Ruey-Ming 賴文崧 Lai, Wen-Sung |
Keywords: | 兒茶酚胺 紋狀體 多角迷津 地點學習 反應學習 大白鼠 Catecholamine Striatum Radial arm maze Place learning Response learning Rat |
Date: | 1996 |
Issue Date: | 2016-04-28 13:28:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 兒茶酚胺類神經傳遞系統被認為與包括記憶學習等行為功能有很重要的關連,在記憶多元化理論的假設下,該神經系統與其它者對於特定記憶學習行為應有再確認之必要。過去對於空間性記憶的研究,其相關支持證據所依據之實驗操弄泰半集中在海馬迴系統上。但仍有部份研究指出大腦中的其他區域可能同樣與一般記憶的運作有密切的關連。特別是兒茶酚胺系統所在之紋狀總體組織部位(包括尾狀核與阿控博核),vP A僅與感覺接受、運動反應及增強作用等機制有關外,同時可能也扮演影響記憶表現的重要因子。本研究使用慾求性的八角迷津為工具,藉其地點學習與反應學習這兩種不同的迷津作業,及利用兒茶酚胺類的藥物或神經毒素,探討相關的記憶習得與記憶保持歷程所造成的影響。實驗的操弄包括:(1) 迷津作業之地點學習與反應學習以探討這兩種記憶之行為機制。(2) 記憶習得與記憶保持階段以瞭解這兩種迷津作業所引發記憶之全部歷程。(3) 中樞(阿控博核或尾狀核)神經毒素之破壞以及周邊藥物注射以確認兒茶酚胺類藥物對於記憶之神經藥理機制。本研究分為兩大實驗進行,實驗一以地點學習為主,實驗二以反應學習為主。實驗結果可以簡單歸納如下:(1) 兩 Catecholamine (CA) neurotransmission systems are critically involved in the control of many behavioral functions including learning and memory. The role of CA in mediating learning and memory is recently focused on the basis of multiple memory hypothesis. In addition to the previous finding of spatial memory relevant to the hippocampal areas, the striatum containing the caudate nucleus and the nucleus of accumbens is thought to be important for executing the learning and memory function. By the use of radial arm maze (RAM), the present study examined the effects of CA related neurotoxins and drugs on the acquisition and retention stages of both place and response tasks. Two major parts of experiments were designed to reveal the neurobehavioral mechanisms for the place and response tasks of RAM. Food-deprivated rats were trained to enter the arms baited with chocolate in the eight-arm maze. Specific four arms were baited for each rat in the place task, while randomly selected four arms each cued with a piece of sand paper on the arm entrance were baited for the rat in the response task.The results can be summarized as followings. (1) Differen behavioral processes were shown in performing the place and response tasks. (2) The acquisition deficits were significantly produced by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesion on either caudate or accumbens for the place task, whereas the acquisition of response task was only impaired by 6-OHDA lesions of both caudate and accumbens together. (3) In contrast to 6-OHDA, adrenergic neurotoxin DSP-4 did not significantly affect subjects to acquire either task. (4) During the retention stage, the performance of place task was significantly disrupted by d-amphetamine, haloperidol, or propranolol. However, this was not the case for the retrieval of response task. (5) Once acquired, neither place nor response task performamce could be influenced by 6-OHDA simultaneously administered on the caudate |
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