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Title: | 阿多諾的音樂哲學研究 Adorno`s Philosophy of Music |
Authors: | 張紹乾 Chang, Shao-chi`en |
Contributors: | 沈清松 Shen, Vincent 張紹乾 Chang, Shao-chi`en |
Keywords: | 阿多諾的音樂哲學 新音樂 音樂社會學 音樂的文化工業 異化的音樂 Adorno`s philosophy of music New music Sociology of music Musical culture industry Alienation of music |
Date: | 1996 |
Issue Date: | 2016-04-28 13:25:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本篇論文所討論的核心是:新音樂是否可能的問題.在處理這個問題時,藉由阿多諾對荀貝格和斯特拉溫斯基的對比,來了解阿多諾心目中對新音樂的判準.阿多諾的討論經由"調性和無調性","主體和客體","傳統音樂和新音樂","真實和虛假"等對比來突顯他的論點之後,再經由檢視阿多諾判準的有效性,來討論荀貝格和斯特拉溫斯基二人對新音樂的貢獻,以及他們需要修正的地方. |
Reference: | 1 、阿多諾( Adorno )的英語本
A esthetic Theory, trans. C.Lenhart (London, 1984)
Against Epistemology, trans. Vi. Domingo (Oxford, 1982;
Cambridge, 1983) .
Alban Berg:Masler of the Smallest Link,trans.1.Brand and
C.Hailey(Cambridge, 1991)
The Culture Industry, ed. J .NLBemstein (Routledge, 1991)
In Search of Wager, trans.R.Livingstone (London, 1981)
Introduction to the Sociology of Music, trans. E.B. Ashton(New York, 1976)
The Jargon of Authenticity, trans. K. Tamowski and F. Will(Londo~1973)
Kierkegaard: Construction of the Aesthetic,trans.R. hullot-Kentor(University
of Minnesota, 1989)
Mahler:A Musical Physiognomy, trans. E.Jephcott(University of Chicago
Press, 1992)
Minima ,Moralia, trans. E.1ephcott(London, 1974)
Negative dialectics,trans.E.B.Ashton(New york and London, 1973)
Notes to Literature,trans.S. W.Nicholsen(Columbia University Press, 1991)
Philosophy of lv/orden Alusic,trans.A .G.Mitchill and W. V.Blomster(New
York and London, 1973)
Prisms,trans.Samuel and Shierry Weber(London, 1967)
Quise unafantasia trans.Rodney Livingstone,London : Verso, 1992.
2. 阿多諾與他人含著的作品之英譯本
The Authoritarian Personality, by Adorno et al(New York, 1950)
Composing for the Films, with H.Eisler(New York, 1947)
Dialectic of Enlightenment, With Max Horkheimer, trans. J .Cumming(New
York, 1972;London, 1973)
The Positivist Dispute in German Sociology by Adorno et al, trans.O.Adey and
D.Frisby(London, 1976)
3. 收錄阿多祿作品之選集
Aesthetics and Politics,ed.New Left Review7afterword by
FJamesom(London, 1977)
Critical Theory and Society:A Reader,eds.S.E.Bronner and
D.M.Kellner(Rontledge, 1989)
The Essential Frankfurt School Reader,eds.A.Arato and E.
Gebhardt,intro.P.Piccone(New York and Oxford,1978)
Mass Culture,eds.S.Frith and A. Goodwin(Routledge, 1 990)
Radio Research,eds.P.F.Lazarsfeld and F.Stanton(New York, 1941)
Twentieth Century lv1usic,ed.R.H.Myers(London:John Calder, 1960)
4. 阿多諾在期刊中的英譯
"Alienated Masterpiece:The Missa Solemnis",Telos,28(Summer, 1976)
"Music and Technique",Telos, 32(Swnnler, 1977)
"On the Social Situation of Music",Telos,3S(Spring, 1978)
"A Social Critique of Radio Music",Kenyon Review, Vol.,No.2(spring, 1945)
5. 其它相關英文參考書
Benjamin,a.(cd),The Problems of Modernity (Routledge,1989)
Benjamin, W., Illuminations( Schocken Books, 1969)
Bemstein,lM.,The Fate of Art(polity, 1992)
Bernsetein,R.J.( ed),Habermas and Madernity(Polity, 1985)
Bloch,Ernst,Essays on the Philosophy of Music,trans.P.Palmer
(Cambridge, 1974)
----The Utopian Function of Art and Literature,trans J.Zipes and
F.Meklenburg(Mt Press, 1988)
B1oomfield,Terry,"Resisting Songs: Negative Dialectics in Pop", Popular
Bottomore,Tom,The Frankfurt School(New York, 1984)
Buck-Morss,Susan The Origin of Negative Dialectics(The Free Press, 1977)
----The Dialectics if Seeing(MIT Press,1989)
Burger,Peter, theory of A vant-Garde,trans.M. Shaw(University of
Minnesota, 1984)
Dahlhaus,Carl,Schoenberg and the New .Music,trans.D.Puffett and
Durant,A1an,Conditons of Music(Macmillan 1984)
Eagleton, Terry, Walter Benjamin(Verso, 1981)
----The Ideology of the Aesthetic(Basil Blackwell,1990)
----Ideology(Verso, 1991)
Griffiths,Paul,The Encyclopaedia of 20th-Century Music (Thames and
Hudson, 1986)
Habermas,Jurgen,The Theory of Communicative Action,trans,tiomas
McCarthy(Beacon Press, 1984)
--The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity,trans. F. Lawrence(M1T
Press, 1985)
Held, David, Introduction to Critical Theory(University of California
Horkheimer,Max, Critical Theory, trans .M.1. Q`Connell( Continuum, 1972)
Jarneson, fredric,Marxism and Form(Princeton, 1971)
--The Ideologies of Theory Essays 1971-1986(University of Minnesota, 1982)
----Late Marxism (Verso, 1-990)
----postmodernism(Duke University Press, 1991)
Jauss,Hans Robert,Aesthetic Experience and Literary Hermeneutics,trans.
Michael Shaw(University of Minnesota, 1982)
Jay,Martin,The Dialectical Imagination (Little,Brown and Company, 1973)
----Marxism and Totality(University of California, 1984)
----Adonw(Fontana, 1984)
Leppert, Richard and Susan McClary(eds),Music and Society
(Cambridge, 1987)
Magee,Bryan, Aspects of Wager(Oxford, 1988)
Marcuse,Herbert, The Aesthetic Dimension(Beacon Press, 1977)
Middleton,Richard, Studying Popular Music, open University Press,1990)
Roberts,David, Art and Enlightenment(University of Nebraska
Press, 1991 )
Roblin,Ronald(ed), The Aesthetics of the Critical Theorists(Edwin Mellen
Rose,Gillan, The Melancholy Science(1vIacnlillan Press, 1978)
Said,Edward W.,Musical Elaborations(Vintage, 1992)
Schoenberg,Arnold,Style and Idea(philosophical Library, 1950)
Slater,Phil,Origin and Significance of the Frankfurt School(Routledge, 1977)
Stirt,P.M.R.,Alax Horknheimer(Harvester Whealshea( 1992)
Tar,Zoltan,The Frankfurt School(John Wiley and Sons, 1977)
Tran Van Doan, Reason,Rationality,Reasonableness, New York/London :
University Press of America 1989.
Weber,Max,171e Rational and Social Foundations of music, trans.
D.Martindale, 1.Ridede1 and G.Neuwirth(Southern Illinois University,1958)
Wellmer, Albrecht,The Persistence ojA1odernity,trans.D.MidgleyMlT
press, 1991)
Wolin,Richard, Walter Betijamin(Columbia University Press, 1982)
Wurzer, Wilhelm S.,Filming and Judgement(Hmnanities Press, 1992)
Special Section on Musico!ogy:Popu!ar musicfrom Adorno to Zappa,
teios,87(sprin& 1991)
6. 中文參考書
王美珠,漫談系統音樂學,美育月刊第24期( 1992, 6 月)
巴托莫爾,《法蘭克福學派》,廖仁義譯(台北:桂冠, 1991 )
沈清松,《現代哲學論街》, (台北:黎明, 1981 , 8 月)
----,《解除世界魔咒一一科技對文化的衝擊與展望》, (台北:時報,
1986 )
(台北;桂冠, 1990)
1988 )
馬丁﹒傑,《阿多諾》,李健鴻校閱(台北:桂冠, 1992)
馬克﹒杰木乃茲,阿多諾,欒棟/關寶艷譯(台北:遠流, 1990, 4 月)
翁嘉銘,《迷迷之音一蛻變中的台灣流行歌曲》, (台北:萬象,
1996 )
1992 )
北:麥田, 1995)
(台北:時報, 1995)
詹明信,後現代主義與文化理論,唐小兵譯(台北:當代, 1989)
----- 音樂社會學簡介,美育月刊第26期( 1992, 8 月)
繼譯(台北:桂冠, 1990)
蔡錚雲,《從現象學到後現代》,(台北:三民, 1955)
化意識, (台北:風雲時代, 1989)
劉千美,《現代音樂之「現代性」的美學反省》,《哲學雜音》,第1 1
期, 1995年1 月出版。
1990 ) |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 哲學系 80154002 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002002725 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [哲學系] 學位論文
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