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Title: | 空間型塑與卡夫卡的<<城堡>> Spatial configuration in kafka`s the castle |
Authors: | 賴玉芳 Lai, Yu Fang |
Contributors: | 陳長房 Chen, Chang Fang 賴玉芳 Lai, Yu Fang |
Date: | 1996 |
Issue Date: | 2016-04-28 11:14:11 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文旨在探討空間型式理論與文本詮譯的運用。佛蘭克的空間型式理論在近半世界引發激烈批評論戰,正反意見兼而有之。本文除了描述佛氏空間型式理論的要旨,並試圖舉出運用於實際批評的範例。運用空間型式理論的文學策略、共時、毗連和字群之參照。此外,運用特殊的模式,例如意象、逐旨、母題等的反覆出現,同樣可以造成疊景效應和覆現型式。本文除了延續重要的空間型式理論,並且參琢幾何圖像、虛擬實境、和屬性認同等空間模式理論來詮釋卡夫卡的《城堡》。理論的應用足以凸顯《城堡》中途述情節的空間型式。卡夫卡有意將小說裏的時間空間化,乃是割裂情節的過程。割裂後的重塑,過去、現在與未來的行動或情節,或顛移措置,或撲朔疊覆,成一新的敘述模式,明顯表現出空間-而言時間-的現實觀。空間和時,一如砂礫與浪濤,記憶與經歷,必須反襯互托,同時並觀。我們在詮譯文本時,若能在時空二層向度裏,擺脫非此即彼的陷阱,或可臻及統合批評的理想。 This theses attempts to spatialize literature’s traditionally temporal form. Joseph Frand interpreted his intuition to mean that there was a conscious attempt on the part of the moderns to create in their literary structures a sense of aesthetic “timelessness.” It is only in the last two decades that spatial form has bequn to realize its potential in the works of critics such as Jackson Cope, Sharon Spencer and Joseph Kestner. By accepting spatialization as an analogue to numerous extra-literary twentieth-century phenomena, these critics are able to utilize the theory productively in the reinterpretation of works both ancient and modern. With the analysis of three kinds of spatiality, that is, the geometric, virtual and qenidentic spatiality, as exemplified in Kafka’s The Castle, one may find the theory quite useful as a literary criticism. The theory of spatial form can finally be seen to be critically useful in two senses. In the first place it has the capacity tu function as a tool of critical analysis in its own right. But its longer range theoretical importance must be its usefulness in the forming of a “newer” criticism of the future, one that can variously be called a “complementarity,” “holistic,” or “ecological” criticism. This thesis indicates the immense significance of the theory of spatial form in the evolving development of the art of criticism in our time. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英國語文學系 |
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