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Title: | 新聞用語中再現人際關係的語言策略:以第九屆總統直選報紙用語為例 The Representation of Interpersonal Relationship in the Media: A Case Study of the 9 th Presidential Election |
Authors: | 張瓊文 Zhang, Giong-Wen |
Contributors: | 鍾蔚文 洪振耀 Chung, Wei-Wen Prof. Hong, Gabriel Prof. 張瓊文 Zhang, Giong-Wen |
Keywords: | 新聞語言 總統大選 人際關係 Journalistic language Presidential election Interpersonal relationship |
Date: | 1998 |
Issue Date: | 2016-04-27 11:13:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文主要探討選舉新聞報導中,記者語言策略如何再現記者和候選人之間的人際關係,個案選定第九屆總統與副總統直選期間,中國時報、聯合報、以及自由時報三大報的選舉用語。研究目的有三個;一為希望剖析出一套選舉新聞中記者的語言策略,並透過這些語言策略,進一步釐清記者和候選人的人際關係模式;二為期望作為對這方面有興趣者後續參考;三為提供閱聽人一判讀新聞語言背後人際關係的管道。 In this thesis, the representation of interpersonal relationship in the media is investigated in terms of linguistic devices. The media discourses of election in China Times, The United Daily, and The Liberty Times are chosen here as a data which will be used to examine the interpersonal relationship between the journalists and the candidates of Kuomintang, Democratic Progressive Party, and New Party. |
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Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002001658 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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