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Title: | 「包容」與「排斥」? 英、德移民政策之研究 "Inclusion" and "Exclusion" ? Study on British and German Immigration Policies |
Authors: | 陸慧玲 Lu, Hui-lin |
Contributors: | 姜家雄 Dr. Alex Chiang 陸慧玲 Lu, Hui-lin |
Keywords: | 歐洲移民 英國 德國 歐洲共同政策 European Immigration Britain Germany European Common Policy |
Date: | 1998 |
Issue Date: | 2016-04-22 17:27:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近十數年來,「移民」議題在歐洲國家引起相當大的注意,隨著各種不同的種族在歐洲落地生根,許多問題也紛紛浮現。各式各樣懷抱著不同目的的移民已為歐盟各國帶來了相當大的衝擊。由於本論文除了對國際移民問題作整體的探討外,並以歐洲國家移民政策與規定為例進行研究,研究探討的時空範圍乃是以第二次世界大戰之後的英國、德國移民政策為主。並將「移民」限制在來自非歐盟國家的第三國人民,而排除來自歐盟會員國國民的內部流動。 For decades, immigration issues have caused extensive problems and attention in European countries. The author intends to research the international immigration phenomenon and immigration policies of European countries. The research focuses on post-war British and German immigration policies, and defined "immigrants" as non-European immigrants. |
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