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Title: | 俄羅斯亞太政策形成之研究 (1992-1998) The Formation of Russia`s Asia-Pacific Policy (1992-98) |
Authors: | 劉蕭翔 Liou, Shiau-Shyang |
Contributors: | 王定士 Wang, Ding-Shu 劉蕭翔 Liou, Shiau-Shyang |
Keywords: | 俄羅斯對外政策 俄羅斯亞太政策 戰略三角互動 俄屬遠東 克里姆林宮政爭 Russia`s foreign policy Russia`s Asia-Pacific policy Strategic Triangle politics Russia`s Far East Kremlin politics |
Date: | 1998 |
Issue Date: | 2016-04-22 16:59:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 俄羅斯獨立之初,其對外政策路線為「向西方一面倒」,亞太政策並未能與其對西方政策相提並論。但在短短數年間,俄羅斯與亞太區域大國—中共的關係急遽加溫,雙方建立了戰略夥伴關係。這足以說明俄羅斯的亞太政策在其對外政策中的比重已然提升。俄羅斯現行的對外政策走的是「東西平衡」路線;從而,俄羅斯的亞太政策也有重大的調整。本論文將探討1992至1998年間,俄羅斯的亞太政策如何形成。 In the initial stage immediately after its dependence, Russia’s foreign policy was following the line of “inclining to the West” therefore, the gravity of Russia’s Asia-Pacific Policy was disproportional comparing with that of its Policy toward the West. Nevertheless, during recent years, the Russo-Chinese relation has developed rapidly, and both sides have established the “strategic partnership”. This means that Russia’s Asia-Pacific Policy has become more and more significant since Russia is seeking an equilibrium between the East and the West in its current foreign policy. Against this background, this thesis will survey the factors that exert impact on the formation of Russia’s Asia-Pacific Policy during the period from 1992 to 1998. |
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