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    Title: 婦女擔負老人照顧與就業責任處境之初探
    A preliminary study on the situation of women who care for the elderly and work in the meantime
    Authors: 陳郁芬
    Chen, Yuh-Fen
    Contributors: 呂寶靜
    Lu, Pau-Ching
    Chen, Yuh-Fen
    Keywords: 老人照顧者
    family caregiver for the elderly
    Date: 1998
    Issue Date: 2016-04-22 16:49:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在老人人口數增加、失能老人人口數俱增、及婦女勞動參與率上昇的人口趨勢下,女性花費在照顧老人的時間將逐漸超過照顧子女的時間;在此同時,就業也將占據婦女生命中的絕大部份,未來將有許多中年婦女必須同時擔負就業與老人照顧的責任。為深入瞭解這群婦女的獨特感受,本研究的目的包括:(1)瞭解職業婦女照顧家中老年親屬的情形及其經驗。(2)探討婦女兼顧「就業與老人照顧」之經驗感受。(3)探索職業婦女為兼顧「就業」和「老人照顧」所採取之因應策略。(4)分析職業婦女歷經不同處境及採取相異因應策略之原因。(5)根據研究結果提出政策上的建議。
    The results of a qualitative study on the lives of 12 women who work full-time and care for the elderly are presented. Respondents provide assistance for the elderly, and they have to remind the elderly to carry out the activities of daily living. Also, women play as a carer, care manager, and emotion supporter. The meaning for women to wok is the material reward, the psychological reward, and life goals. When women care for the elderly and work in the meantime, complex feeling will come to their mind. They have to adjust their work or care responsibility when they feel conflict between work and elder care. Policy and practice implications are also discussed.
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