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Title: | 後形式思考的發展及其與人際關係之容忍性、同理心、自我揭露、自主性之關係 The Development of Postformal Thinking and the Relationships Between Postformal Thinking and the Tolerance、Empathy、Self-disclosure、Autonomy of Interpersonal Relations |
Authors: | 邱文彬 Chiou, Wen-Bin |
Contributors: | 林美珍 Mei-Jen Lin 邱文彬 Wen-Bin Chiou |
Keywords: | 後形式思考 形式性思考 相對性思考 辯証性思考 容忍性 同理心 自我揭露 自主性 postformal thinking formalistic thinking relativistic thinking dialectical thinking tolerance empathy self-disclosure autonomy |
Date: | 1998 |
Issue Date: | 2016-04-22 13:24:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究目的在探討後形式思考的發展,以及後形式思考與人際關係之容忍性、同理心、自我揭露、自主性之關係。受試為644位分佈於青年期後期至成人期(18至80歲)的受試,以問卷法進行研究。資料分析採用百分比差異性考驗與單因子變異數分析。結果發現:1. 在後形式思考的發展方面,青年期後期屬於形式性思考組的百分比高於早成人期與中、老年期屬於於形式性思考組的百分比。早成人期屬於相對性思考組的百分比高於中、老年期屬於相對性思考組的百分比。中、老年期屬於辯証性思考組的百分比高於青年期後期與早成人期屬於辯証性思考組的百分比。綜合三個認知思考組與各年齡組之關係,相對性思考的發展時機比形式性思考要晚,辯証性思考的發展時機比相對性思考要晚。2. 在後形式思考與人際關係之「容忍性」、「同理心」、「自我揭露」、「自主性」之關係方面:(1)後形式思考組的「容忍性」高於形式性思考組的「容忍性」;辯証性思考組的「容忍性」高於相對性思考組的「容忍性」;相對性思考組的「容忍性」高於形式性思考組的「容忍性」。辯証性思考組在容忍性之「統整差異」得分高於形式性思考組與相對性思考組的得分;(2)後形式思考組的「同理心」高於形式性思考組的「同理心」;辯証性思考組的「同理心」高於相對性思考組的「同理心」;相對性思考組的「同理心」高於形式性思考組的「同理心」;(3)後形式思考組的「自我揭露」高於形式性思考組的「自我揭露」;辯証性思考組的「自我揭露」高於形式性思考組與相對性思考組的「自我揭露」;相對性思考組與形式性思考組的「自我揭露」沒有顯著差異;(4)後形式思考組的「自主性」高於形式性思考組的「自主性」;辯証性思考組的「自主性」高於形式性思考組與相對性思考組的「自主性」;相對性思考組與形式性思考組的「自主性」沒有顯著差異。辯証性思考組在「自主性」之相互依賴性高於形式性思考組與相對性思考組的相互依賴性。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the development of postformal thinking and the relationships between postformal thinking and the tolerance、empathy、self-disclosure、autonomy of interpersonal relations. Subjects were 644, ranging from late adolescence to adulthood (age from 18 to 80 years). Questionnaire was used as the research method. The testing of differences between two percentages and one-way ANOVA were used for data analysis. The results were : 1. In the development of postformal thinking, the percentage of formalistic thinker in late adolescence group (18-23 years) was higher than early adulthood groups` (24-40 years) and middle、late adulthood groups` (41-80 years), the percentage of relativistic thinker in early adulthood group was higher than middle、late adulthood groups`, the percentage of dialectical thinker in middle、late adulthood group was higher than late adolescence group`s and early adulthood group`s. According to the findings of the relationships between the cognitive thinking groups and age groups, the developmental timing of relativistic thinking was later than the timing of formalistic thinking, the developmental timing of dialectical thinking was later than the timing of relativistic thinking. 2. In the findings of the relationships between the postformal thinking and the tolerance、empathy、self-disclosure、autonomy of interpersonal relations: (1) The tolerance of the postformal thinking group was higher than the formalistic thinking group`s, the tolerance of the dialectical thinking group was higher than the relativistic thinking group`s, the tolerance of the relativistic thinking group was higher than the formalistic thinking group`s. The score of integration differences of tolerance of the dialectical thinking group was higher than the relativistic thinking group`s and the formalistic thinking group`s. (2) The empathy of the postformal thinking group was higher than the formalistic thinking group`s, the empathy of the dialectical thinking group was higher than the relativistic thinking group`s, the empathy of the relativistic thinking group was higher than the formalistic thinking group`s. (3) The self-disclosure of the postformal thinking group was higher than the formalistic thinking group`s, the self-disclosure of the dialectical thinking group was higher than the relativistic thinking group`s and the formalistic thinking group`s. (4) The autonomy of the the postformal thinking group was higher than the formalistic thinking group`s, the autonomy of the dialectical thinking group was higher than the relativistic thinking group`s and the formalistic thinking group`s. The interdependence of the dialectical thinking group was higher than the relativistic thinking group`s and the formalistic thinking group`s. |
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