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    题名: 女性經理人成功典範之探討--已婚者與單身者的迷思
    The female executives` psychological adaptation process of getting balance between work and family lives-some myths about the married and single ones.
    作者: 蘇鈺婷
    Su, Yu-ting
    贡献者: 李美枝
    Mei-chi Li
    Yu-ting Su
    关键词: 女性經理人
    female managers
    work and family
    pstchological adaptation
    日期: 1998
    上传时间: 2016-04-22 13:24:34 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 一般社會大眾的刻板印象為:女性事業成就高,一定還沒結婚,或家庭不幸福;本研究即據此導出研究問題:「有婚姻家庭與無婚姻家庭之高成就女性主管,其事業發展與家庭生活的種種面向為何,其自我評價是否會因為婚姻家庭的有無而有所不同?」研究者採用質性研究方法,藉由訪問四位四十歲以上的高階女性經理人(已婚者與單身者各半),來了解女性經理人面對家庭與事業的心理調適歷程與自我評價狀況。
    Managers are often stereotyped as a man’s job in the public eye. Thus, female managers usually have to conceal their feminine characteristics and imitate their male colleagues’ behaviors in order to fit in the existing managerial culture. This may cause high pressure for them and make them lose their flexibility and energy. At the same time, married female managers are expected to be good wives and mothers. As for single females, although they can devote all their efforts to their work, the social support they have is less than married female managers. Many negative impressions are put upon them, such as people regarding them as too ambitious to be good women. To sum up, female managers are faced with many difficulties both in their work and family lives. This study would focus on how they deal with their demanding lives and how they evaluate themselves under traditional value system of our society.
    參考文獻: 王秀文(民73)。台北地區民營企業女性主管工作滿足之研究。私立東海大學企業管理研究所。
    戴瑞婷(民77)。台北市古亭區松山區已婚就業者之研究。台灣大學社會學研究所碩士論文 。
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