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Title: | 父母管教態度與青春期子女控制知覺之關係 The Relationships between Parenting and Perceptions of Control in Adolescence |
Authors: | 倪履冰 Ni, Lu-Pin |
Contributors: | 鍾思嘉 倪履冰 Ni Lu-Pin |
Keywords: | 管教態度 控制知覺 青少年 parenting perception of control adolescent |
Date: | 1998 |
Issue Date: | 2016-04-22 13:24:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 為了解現今青少年對父母管教態度的知覺,青少年在學業、人際、運動、一般等事件層面上於成功及失敗事件結果的控制知覺差異,以及父親和母親的管教態度分別與不同性別子女控制知覺的相關情況,本研究以台北縣市國一、國二學生六百一十六人為研究對象,藉由父母管教態度問卷和兒童多維控制感知測驗等研究工具,蒐集所需資料,再以變異數分析、典型相關分析等方法進行統計。 The purpose of this study was to understand the perceptions of teenagers toward the parenting, the differences in perceptions of control over success and failure outcomes on cognitive performance, social relationship, physical and general domains , and the correlation between the parenting and the perceptions of control of male and female children.The subjects were 616 junior high school students in Taipei area, and data was collected by Questionnaire of Parenting and the Multi-dimensional Measure of Children`s Perception of Control, and analyzed with ANOVA and Canonical correlation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 心理學系 85752003 |
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