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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/85727
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    Title: 全民健康保險對醫院內部互動類型及其控制機制選擇之影響
    Authors: 郭信智
    Kuo, Hsin-Chih
    Contributors: 司徒達賢

    Seetoo, Dah-Hsian
    Yu, Chwo-Ming

    Kuo, Hsin-Chih
    Keywords: 全民健康保險
    National Health Insurance
    interaction types
    control mechanisms
    medical professional system
    administrative system
    Date: 1998
    Issue Date: 2016-04-20 16:46:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 醫院屬於非營利性機構,不以追求最大利潤為其績效標準,故醫院管理與一般企業管理在本質上便有所不同。在長期觀察醫院的經營情況中,醫院內部長久以來存在於醫療體系與行政體系之間的衝突,成為當今醫院內部重要的管理問題。因此,本研究擬根據醫療體系與行政體系之間的互動情形,歸納出醫院類型的區分構面,希望對於醫院的經營與管理能提供正面而積極的建議。此外,全民健康保險已於民國84年3月1日起正式實施,此一政策對於醫療院所的影響極為深遠,造成台灣醫療生態環境以及醫院管理方式大幅度的改變,並使得業者殷切期盼新的醫院管理之道。
    Applying control theory, this paper examines the relationship between types of interaction and adoption of control mechanism. After investigating 47 hospitals in Taiwan, we found that there exists strong relationship as described by four hypotheses. Based on “professional orientation” and “administrative orientation”, the hospitals can be classified into three types of interaction, namely, “professional orientation”, “interaction harmony”, and “administrative orientation”. The literature review suggests three types of mechanisms. These mechanisms are market, bureaucratic, and culture control.
    Reference: 一、中文部份

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