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    Title: <<史威尼論爭>>與<<家園重聚>>中嘉年華的現象:以巴赫汀的理論閱讀艾略特的詩劇
    Carnivalization in Sweeney Agonistes and The Family Reunion: A Bakhtinian Reading of T. S. Eliot`s Poetic Drama
    Authors: 許靜婷
    Hsu, Ching-ting
    Contributors: 楊麗敏
    Carol L. M. Yang
    Ching-ting Hsu
    Keywords: 巴赫汀
    T. S. Eliot
    poetic drama
    Date: 1999
    Issue Date: 2016-04-20 13:42:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 艾略特經常被視為高蹈派的現代主義作家,他的主要任務是捍衛精英藝術的純粹性,以對抗大眾文化的入侵。這樣的看法加深現代精英藝術和通俗大眾文化之間的分野。將艾略特歸類於屬於現代精英藝術作家的陣營,簡化了其作品的深刻性。在後現代的年代中, 精英藝術和大眾文化之間的分野逐漸糢糊。採後現代主義的觀點來閱讀艾略特的作品,批評家發現艾略特熱愛大眾文化的一面。跟隨前人研究的腳步,本論文主要工作之一,即是探討艾略特兩部詩劇--史威尼論爭與家園重聚中大眾文化的成份。
    T. S. Eliot is usually considered by critics as a representative of the high modernist writer whose mission is to protect the purity of high art from the contamination of the popular culture. Such an opinion is to underpin the dichotomy between high modernist art and low popular culture. By taking Eliot on the side of high modernism, critics tend to simplify the profundity of Eliot’s works.
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