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Title: | 教育行政方法論典範變遷之研究:實證論、後實證論、與後現代主義 Study of Paradigm Change of Educational Administration Methodology: Positivism, Postpositivism, and Postmodernism |
Authors: | 黃貞裕 |
Contributors: | 秦夢群 Joseph Chin, M. 黃貞裕 |
Keywords: | 實證論 後實證論 後現代主義 批判典範 連貫論 positivism postpositivism postmodernism critical paradigm coherentism |
Date: | 2001 |
Issue Date: | 2016-04-18 16:33:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 教育行政學興起於十九世紀末。本世紀初教育行政學處於規範時期,其理論與實踐皆以其他領域(管理學、行政學)之常識做為基礎。二次世界大戰後,以邏輯實證論為理念基礎的理論運動(theory movement)如火如荼地展開,其目的在建立系統性與普遍性的原理原則,並將行政中之主觀成分(價值、倫理)排除。1970年代開始,科學哲學中之後實證論觀點波及教育行政研究,使得其原有的方法論格局產生了極大的變化。尤其是Greenfield、Bates、Hodgkinson等人所提出的批判性觀點,使整個教育行政領域開始對行政科學化的方法論進行大幅度反省與修正,也造成教育行政方法論由原來的單一典範時期轉入多元典範時期。 At the beginning of the 20th century, educational administration had just begun to emerge as a recognizable discipline and was therefore in a sort of "prescriptive era." After World War II, the theory movement which was based on the foundation of Logic Positivism started with great swiftness. The movement aimed to establish general and systematic rules for the administration practices, while excluding the subjective elements (values and ethics) of educational administration research. In 1970, the philosophy of science shifts to the postpositivism era and begins to rapidly influence the research of educational administration, thus greatly altering the original methodology. Greenfield, Bates, and Hodgkinson, the key scholars of this movement, criticize the scientific view, and hence influence educational administration methodology away from the dominant positivistic era and into the multi-paradigm era. |
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