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Title: | 資料挖掘應用於入口網站之顧客關係管理—以國內某網站為例 Application of Data Mining Techniques to Portal Site`s Customer Relationship Management: A Case Study of Taiwan`s Portal Site |
Authors: | 柯淑貞 Ko, Shu-Chen |
Contributors: | 劉文卿 Liou, Wen-Ching 柯淑貞 Ko, Shu-Chen |
Keywords: | 資料挖掘 入口網站 顧客關係管理 關聯規則 評估指標 Data mining Portal site CRM Association rule Evaluation indicator |
Date: | 2001 |
Issue Date: | 2016-04-18 16:27:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 處在變化快速的網路環境中,入口網站如何建立起專屬的會員制度,以期行銷人員能在大量的會員資料庫中找出有用的資訊,掌握會員的網路行為模式、實現個人化之服務、有效區隔市場及瞭解不同會員之網路行為模式等,進而以制定適當之行銷策略而達成結合實體行銷之目標。而資料挖掘的技術能在資料量龐大的會員交易資料庫中,利用會員的基本資料與交易資料衍生建立相關的評估指標,以評估會員的特質、需求模型、消費特徵、建立市場區隔的行銷策略等,行銷人員藉此可採用不同的宣傳方式與促銷策略,以達最佳的獲利結果。 In the rapid-changing network environment, how do Portal Sites establish exclusive membership mechanism in order to filter useful information out of their own database, master the network behavior models of their members, realize personalized services, and effectively segment and understand different network behavior models of all members? However, data mining can use the basic members` information and transaction data to produce the associated evaluation indicator during the high volume transaction database in order to evaluate the customers’ traits, demand models, consuming characteristics, and establish the marketing strategy of segmenting target market. As a result, we can adopt different advertising types and promotion strategies to achieve the best profitable goals. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊管理學系 88356020 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#A2002001610 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [資訊管理學系] 學位論文
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