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Title: | 民意代表網站使用者對網站產品屬性評估之研究 The Study of Legislator Website Product Attributes Evaluation--from Users` Points |
Authors: | 施順挺 |
Contributors: | 賴士葆 陳松柏 施順挺 |
Keywords: | 網路行銷 政治行銷 網站經營 Internet Marketing Political Marketing Website Management |
Date: | 2001 |
Issue Date: | 2016-04-18 16:22:42 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 全球資訊網(WWW)的出現,其結合有文字、聲音、動畫、影像等多媒體的特性,且具有即時性、互動性、低成本、全天候、無國界、多媒體等特性,使得網際網路成為現有的報章雜誌、廣播、電視之後最具影響力的第四大媒體。這股風潮,民意代表自然也不能置身事外,民意代表的個人網站紛紛成立,但究竟網友要的是什麼樣的民意代表網站,則少有相關研究。 Since the emergence of the WWW, it brings multimedia characteristics, combining text, voice, animation and video. Real time, interaction, low-cost, no time limit, and no border restriction make it become the fourth media subsequently to newspaper, broadcast, and television. This trend makes legislators setup their personal websites; however, there are scant studies about what kind of website users really need. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理學系 88355023 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#A2002001425 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理學系] 學位論文
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