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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 會計學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/85155
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    Title: 企業生命週期特性與股利政策關聯性之探討
    Authors: 許明雄
    Contributors: 林宛瑩
    Keywords: 企業生命週期
    business life cycle
    dividend policy
    Date: 2001
    Issue Date: 2016-04-15 16:10:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 一套能使企業成長與股東期望之間達到最適當均衡的股利政策對企業內、外部而言均是攸關且重要的資訊。決策者必須全面考量企業特性、經營環境之變化及股東的期盼,以規劃其股利政策;所以了解企業所處之成長階段及經營環境,對制定適當且均衡的股利政策是相當重要的。
    A dividend policy that balanced the needs for firm growth and stockholders conveys important information for both managements and investors. Characteristics and operating environment of an organization and expectations of its shareholders are critical determinants for developing such dividend policies. The knowledge about the life-cycle stage a firm is currently at and its dividend policy planned accordingly is therefore essential for financial decisions and future growth of a firm.
    Reference: 一. 中文參考文獻
    徐聯恩譯,Ichak Adizes著,1996,企業生命週期,長河出版社。
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