Abstract: | 世界各國面對數位匯流對新媒體平台的衝擊,多半感到既有
新媒體通常是先予以鼓勵,對於IPTV 與OTT 等媒體平台,目
因應數位匯流, 國家傳播通訊委員會(簡稱通傳會)於
2007 年9 月公布了通訊傳播管理法草案。由於時間壓力,通
疑。2008 年4 月遭行政院以「法令可採漸進式、階段性等方
2010 年7 月行政院院會通過數位匯流發展方案,促請通傳會
在2014 年完成數位匯流架構整合或分立的規範並通過立法。
理法規的建議。2013 年7 月行政院政務委員張善政要求通傳
會在2014 年2 月提出數位匯流大法的草案。本研究所提出的
廣電三法整併架構恰可供主管機關參考。 Whenever a new technology or service emerges, the
regulator needs to find out how to classify this new
service. In the EU, the regulators are urged to use
the 'linear and non-linear' classification to
regulate different media. In Japan, the government
integrated four media laws and classified the media
into two categories: basic and general media (Sugaya,
2012). Both linear and basic media have more strict
regulations compared with non-linear and general
media. In the United States, the new emerged
services such as VOIP, IPTV and OTT TV are all
classified as information services; therefore, the
FCC does not have specific rules for them (Cherry,
Taiwan, like other countries, communication laws are
also behind communications technology. Currently,
four laws are related to the converged media and
services. They are Telecommunications Act,
Broadcasting Law, Cable Radio and TV Law, and
Satellite Radio and TV Law. When the converged
service such as IPTV emerged, the government did not
know how to deal with it. After the converged
regulator the National Communications Commission
(NCC) was established in February, 2006, it took one
year to add some articles to the fixed line
regulation in order to regulate IPTV. In 2007, the
NCC drafted a converged bill integrating
telecommunications law and media laws, however, it
was opposed and questioned by the telecom and media
industries and the academics. In July, 2010 the
Executive Yuan passed the 'Digital Convergence
Development Plan' and urged the NCC to complete the
revision of the relevant laws or propose a convergent
communications law by 2014. The pace was slowed down
because of inconsistent beliefs among different terms
of the NCC Commissioners.
This study discusses the converged services'
challenges to the telecommunications laws and
broadcasting laws from the perspectives of
communication platforms and content-related issues.
It also draws experiences from other countries and
proposes recommendations for the revision of the laws
and the framework for the converged communications
law. Research methods include literature review,
document analysis, in-depth interviews,
questionnaires, and focus group study. |