參考文獻: | (一)英文部分:
A.1 Books written by C.B.Macpherson
Democracy in alberta: social credit and the party system, toronto: Univ. of Toronto press, 1962; 1st edn., 1953.
The political theory of possessive individualism: hobbes to locke, oxford: oxford univ, press, 1962.
The real world of democracy, oxford: oxford univ. press, 1966.
Democratic theory: essays in retrieval, oxford: clarendon press, 1973.
The life and times of liberal democracy, oxford: oxford univ. press, 1977.
Burke, oxford: oxford univ. press, 1980.
The rise and fall of economic justice and other papers, xoford: oxford univ. press, 1985.
The future of canadian federalism, co-edited with P.A. Crepeau, Toronto: univ. of toronto press, 1965.
Thomas hobbes: leviathan, harmondswoeth; penguin, 1968.
Property: mainstream and critical positions, toronto: univ. of toronto press, 1978.
John Locke: second treatise of governmet, indianapolis: hackett, 1980.
"Pareto`s `General sociology`: the problem of method in the social sciences", candian journal of economics and political science, vol.3, 1937, pp.458-471.
"on the study of politics in canada" in H.A.Innis ed., Essays in Political economy in honour of E.J.Urwick, toronto: univ. of toronto press, 1938, pp.147-165
鄒文海,<代議政治>,台北:帕米爾,一九八八。 |