Abstract: | 台灣位處環太平洋的『火環帶』上,雖然台灣本島的火山活動並不活躍,但火山群是否復活,不僅是一個值得研究的科學問題,更關係民眾的生命財產安全。整合相關單位的分析研究成果,建立多項火山監測系統及平台,同步監測火山活動並進行研究,才能達到真正即時監測火山活動之目標。本計畫之總體目標為利用無人飛行載具 (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV) 的優勢,做為蒐集空間資訊的平台,搭載不同的感測器,包括高解析度數位像機、高光譜儀、及熱像儀等,提供面狀的觀測資料,包括火山3D地形、3D地表溫度、3D地表光譜變化等,並配合地面觀測資料進行分析,期能以定期監測方式,更全面性的火山監測空間資料,提供相關單位參考使用,以利後續之分析及應用。本計劃即為總計畫中的子計畫二,以高精度GPS定位資料輔助UAV上不同感測器影像之精確定位定向,本子計劃提出以自率光束法空中三角測量平差(簡稱空三平差)進行以GPS輔助UAV不同感測器影像之精確定位定向、產製數值地形模型以及正射影像糾正;本子計劃執行的第一年將提出以自率光束法空三平差進行以GPS輔助UAV航拍影像精確定位定向、產製數值地形模型以及正射影像糾正,並提出熱影像以及高光譜影像特徵萃取與匹配演算法。第二年擬發展約制條件之GPS輔助UAV航拍影像之自率光束法空三平差進行UAV航拍影像之精確定位定向、產製數值地形模型以及正射影像糾正;並嘗試將第一年熱影像以及高光譜影像特徵萃取與匹配成果,發展以自率光束法空三平差進行以GPS輔助UAV航拍熱影像及高光譜影像之精確定位定向;第三年則完成約制條件之GPS輔助UAV不同感測器影像之自率光束法空三平差,進行UAV不同感測器影像之精確定位定向、產製數值地形模型以及正射影像糾正,並進行相關成果分析。若此以高精度GPS定位資料輔助UAV不同感測器影像之精確定位定向模式可行,將來結合各個子計劃的研究成果將更有助於未來火山監測工作。 Taiwan is located on the Pacific Rim`s "Ring of Fire band", although the volcanic activity in Taiwan is not active, but the resurrection of the volcanic group is not only a problem worthy of scientific study, but also involving the people`s lives and property. In order to achieve real-time monitoring of volcanic activity, it has to integrate the relevant analysis results, establish a number of volcano monitoring systems and platforms, as well as simultaneously monitor and study the volcanic activity. The main project overall objective is to use the advantage of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) equipped with different sensors, including high-resolution digital cameras, high-spectrometer, and thermal camera, to collect and provide the 3D spatial information, including volcanic 3D terrain, 3D surface temperature, 3D surface spectral change, to facilitate follow-up analysis and applications for a more comprehensive volcano monitoring spatial data regularly with ground-based observations. This project is the sub-project II of the main project, it will use the high-precision GPS positioning data to support the precise location and orientation of diverse UAV sensing images. Self-calibration bundle aerotriangulation adjustment will be implemented to assist the precise positioning and orientation of the various sensing images aided by precise GPS positioning data. Meanwhile, digital elevation model and orthoimage will be generated. In the first year, self-calibration bundle aerotriangulation will be used to precise positioning and orientation for optical images by the GPS-assisted data. Digital elevation model and orthoimage will be generated by UAV optical images. Additionally, the algorithms will be developed to extract and match the point features from thermal images and hyperspectral images. In the second year of this sub-project, the constraint conditions of GPS-aided self-calibration bundle aerotriangulation to precisely position and orient the UAV optical images will be developed. Digital elevation model and orthoimage will be also generated by UAV optical images in the second year. Additionally, the algorithms developed in the first year for the extraction and matching the point features from thermal images and hyperspectral images will be used to acquire the tie points for the precise positioning and orientation by the GPS-aided data for UAV thermal imags and hyperspectral images. In the third year of this sub-project, it will complete and the constraint conditions of the GPS-assisted precise portioning and orientation for diverse UAV sensing images, including optical images, thermal images, and hyperspectral images by self-calibration bundle aerotriangulation. Moreover, it will generate the digital elevation models and orthoimages from various sensing images as well as analyze the associated analysis of results. If the GPS-aided precise positioning and orientation of diverse UAV sensing images is of feasibility, it will be helpful to integrate the results of the various sub-projects for future volcano monitoring.. |