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Title: | 教科書審查規準建構之研究-以九年一貫課程社會學習領域為例 |
Authors: | 賴光真 |
Contributors: | 黃炳煌 秦夢群 賴光真 |
Keywords: | 審查規準 教科書 審查 社會科 九年一貫課程 Evaluation criteria Textbook Evaluation Social studies |
Date: | 2000 |
Issue Date: | 2016-04-01 17:17:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 鑑於教科書審查規準的建構在建構過程、方法模式、規準結構及規準內容等各方面均未臻理想,本研究透過文獻分析與問卷調查等方法,針對教科書審查規準的建構問題進行研究。除探討教科書審查規準的定義、功能、特質、發展模式等相關概念外,更著重於建構原則的歸納;此外,並以九年一貫課程社會學習領域教科書審查規準為例進行實際建構。研究之主要目的在於為教科書審查規準的建構,奠定理論性的與實證性的基礎,並提出研究所得供各界做為訂定、修訂或研究審查規準之參考。
最後依據文獻分析的結果與實證研究的發現,本研究針對教科書審查規準的應用、未來建構、未來相關研究等,分別提出若干建議。 Since there is still some unsatisfactory parts on the constructive process, methodology, structures and contents of screen-and-approval criteria(SAC) of textbooks, this study tries to explore these issues through literature analysis and questionnaire survey. The definition, functions, property, develop-and-construct model and constructive principles of SAC are discussed, and tries to construct SAC for social studies textbook of 1-9 curriculum guideline of compulsory education system is tried. The main purpose of this study is to establish the theoretical and empirical basis for the construction of SAC, and to offer reference for people who is going to construct SAC, modify SAC, or inquire the issues of the construction of SAC in future.
The screen-and-approval process of textbook is indispensable to the development of qualified textbooks in Taiwan. The major function of SAC is to assist and to restrain the screen-and-approval process, moreover it can guide the publishers to develop and publish qualified textbooks. SAC can also be a common conversation language between public and screen-and-approval institution, and be a reference material for the teachers who are being training. On the macro-dimension, the development model of SAC should include four elements : planning, constructing, implementing, and evaluating. On the micro-dimension, the construction process of SAC should follow three steps: to decide the approach of the construction of SAC, to design SAC, and to verify the validity of SAC. Through the model and process described above, the construction of SAC forms a dynamic circulating process. For the construction of and the appropriateness verification of SAC, there are 13 principles which can divide into 4 categories that must follow. The first category includes two principles that relate to constructive process that includes: 1.the construction of SAC must arrange some adaptive processes; 2.the construction of SAC must invite some experts and stakeholders to participate. The second category includes three principles that relate to constructive approach : 3.construct a subject-oriented SAC, not a generic type one; 4. construct SAC for screen-and-approval use only, not for all kinds of textbook evaluations; 5.the result of screen-and-approval must display in quality mode. The third category includes two principles that relate to the structure of SAC : 6.SAC must separate to some sections according to the stages of the screen-and-approval process; 7.all SAC must be uncompromising criteria. The fourth category includes six principles that relate to the content of SAC that includes: 8. SAC must contains all criteria that textbook screen-and-approval need to consider; 9.the standard of passing of each SAC must proper; 10.all SAC must be relevant to textbook quality and effectiveness; 11.the implication of each SAC must concrete and clear; 12. SAC must exclude the criteria that relate to practical effectiveness of textbooks; 13.all SAC must exclusive mutually. For the appropriateness verification of SAC, it is necessary to check whether the SAC can function as to assist and to restrain the screen-and-approval process, and to guide the publishers to develop and publish qualified textbooks.
In order to construct SAC of social studies textbooks of 1-9 curriculum guideline of compulsory education system, the structure of textbook SAC is established through the discussion or research about the role and function of textbook, curriculum design, and reading comprehension. The upper structure of SAC are constituted by 6 dimensions: content selection, organization structure, instructional design, communicate effectiveness of text and illustrations and tables, physical making-up, and R & D process. Each dimensions includes many criteria items. For practical application, the theoretical structure of SAC should separate to three sections: the complication planning of textbook series, the main components of individual textbook, and the other components of individual textbook. Furthermore, it is necessary to elaborate the definition and evaluative method of each SAC in a booklet, so as to be the background knowledge and evaluation basis for people who screen-and-approval textbooks.
This study tries to verify the appropriateness of the constructive principles and SAC of social studies textbooks through consults several professors, teachers, publishers and somespecialists in edition, graphic arts, typography, and courseware. For the appropriateness of constructive principles, most of them are agreed by consultants, but those three principles that the result of screen-and-approval must display in quality mode, all SAC items must to be uncompromising criteria, SAC must contains all criteria that textbook screen-and-approval need to consider, leave some rooms for arguing. Some consultants suggest the result of screen-and-approval can display in both qualitative and quantitative mode, some items of SAC can meet selectively, and some items of SAC are criteria that ought to consider in other situation of textbook evaluation. For the sake of the nature and goal of textbook screen-and-approval, it is suggested tend to persist the three principles above. If the construction of SAC don`t follow those three principles, some remedies are needed.
For the appropriateness of SAC of social studies textbooks of 1-9 curriculum guideline, it can meet the constructive principles which are relevant to constructive process, approach, and structure. Most consultants agree that the SAC can meet those constructive principles which are relevant to the content and can perform the expectative functions, but some suggestions for revision are offered.
Consequently, with the outcomes of literature analysis and the findings of empirical research, some recommendations for the application, construction, research of SAC are made. |
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