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Title: | 當博物館遇上志工-博物館志願服務關係之探討 Museum Meets with the Volunteers: A Study on Museum Voluntary Relationship |
Authors: | 闕依柔 Chueh, I Jou |
Contributors: | 陳信木 Chen, Hsinmu 闕依柔 Chueh, I Jou |
Keywords: | 博物館 志願服務 人情經營 制度性規範 博物館志願服務關係 museum volunteer service association development formal regulation museum voluntary relationship |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-04-01 10:45:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 臺灣的博物館志願服務從推廣志願服務早期便開始發展,志工補充博物館人力的不足,協助博物館運作。博物館志工經常在展場第一線服務,介於觀眾與博物館之間。志願服務有著自發性投入、以輔助性事務為主的特點,而運用單位則有管理之需,專業能力的要求,兩者在預設上存在著矛盾。一般志願服務中,運用單位若為嚴謹的科層組織,而志工有著較高的自主性雙方則容易產生衝突。博物館為一科層組織,志工參與公共教育性質濃厚的文化事務,也有著較高的自主性,因此本研究選定彩虹博物館作為研究田野,從雙方於志願服務關係的投入動機、期待出發,論述雙方差異性使得志願服務關係存有不穩定的特性。然而志願服務關係中的差異性卻沒有使得博物館志願服務關係瓦解,仍然運作至今,因此欲探討博物館館方和志工的志願服務關係有著什麼特性,這些特性何以維繫博物館的志願服務關係。研究中發現人情經營和制度性規範為維繫博物館志願服務關係的重要方式,人情經營符合志工對於志願服務關係的期待,制度性規範則符合館方的管理需求,雙方均有意無意地使用人情經營和制度性規範維繫博物館志願服務關係。最後,探討博物館中的志工組織,志工隊介於博物館館方和志工之間,協助博物館志願服務的運作。志工隊體現了上述人情管理和制度性規範的特性,從志工隊的幹部選舉、幹部角色可以看見人情經營和制度性規範如何於博物館志願服務關係中運作。人情經營和制度性規範代表著雙方對於志願服務關係的不同想像,雙方取得平衡的結果,也是維繫博物館志願服務的重要方式。 Volunteer service in museums has developed in early stage in Taiwan. The volunteers have not only provided museums with sufficient human resources, but also have assisted museums to operate successfully. It is the volunteer that offers the front-line service in museums, and interacts with audience and museums. While museums have the demand of administration and profession, volunteer service have the characteristics of voluntary involvement and assistant works. Therefore, there are several contradictions between the volunteers and museums. In general condition, if the museum is a well-organized bureaucracy, and the volunteers have the strong autonomy, the conflicts between both of them would be much higher. This study takes Rainbow Museum as an example, starting from the motivations and expectations of the volunteers and museums when they join museum volunteer service. Second, it illustrates the differences that contribute to the unstable relationship between the volunteers and museums. Despite of these differences, the volunteer service in museums still exists today. In consequence, this study would like to discuss the features of museum volunteer service, and the ways to maintain this relationship. We find out that association development and formal regulation are two important ways to maintain museum voluntary relationship. While association development meets the expectations of volunteers, formal regulation reaches the demand of museum administration. Both museums and the volunteers would use these two ways intentionally or unintentionally to maintain voluntary relationship. In the end, the study moves on to explain the museum volunteer team, which connects with museums and volunteers. Volunteer team has helped museums to operate successfully, and has also presented fully about the characteristics of association development and formal regulation. From member election of volunteer team to roles of members, it all shows the coordinating operation of association development and formal regulation. In short, association development and formal regulation not only represent different images of museum volunteer service, but also are two important ways to maintain balanced relationship between museums and volunteers. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會學系 102254015 |
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