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Title: | 宗教性志願事奉與非營利組織研究:以台灣慈濟功德會和韓國純福音教會為例 |
Authors: | 李政恩 Lee, Jung-Eun |
Contributors: | 顧忠華 李政恩 Lee, Jung-Eun |
Keywords: | 非營利組織 志願事奉 慈濟功德會 純福音教會 |
Date: | 2000 |
Issue Date: | 2016-03-31 16:44:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究探討宗教性志願事奉與非營利組織,是以台灣的慈濟功德會和韓國純福音教會為例做個案的探討。在個案研究中,比較了慈濟功德會和汝矣島純福音教會的發展歷程和組織的特性,也查驗了兩個非營利組織在各樣志願事奉工作上的表現。最後更從較廣的整個社會與歷史背景來反省兩個組織的發展。
本研究最根本的發現在於:慈濟功德會雖然是一個宗教性非營利組織,但是其中有很多並不是宗教因素造成的現象。如果從整個社會政治和經濟發展的過程來看,就更能體會慈濟現象的時代意義。同樣的,作為一個宗教性非營利組織,汝矣島純福音教會是配合著整個韓國基督教發展的歷程,在政治、社會、經濟多重影響下,加上強烈的民族意識,終於發展為全世界最大的基督教會。而這個以基督信仰為核心的非營利組織,是依照信仰根基來從事志願事奉活動。所以,對純福音教會而言,志願事奉精神是從宗教來的,而組織也是。 The purpose of this study is to examine the process of development, distinction and various ways that volunteering occurs in two religious non-profit organizations: the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation in Taiwan and the Yoido Full Gospel Church in Korea. The development of both of these non-profit organizations is analyzed by comparing the different historical backgrounds of Taiwan and Korea.
This study finds that volunteering in the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation in Taiwan has been effected minimally by religious faith, even though it is a religious non-profit organization. On the other hand, the Yoido Full Gospel Church in Korea, the largest church in the world, is based on the religious faith and national consciousness. At the Yoido Full Gospel Church, volunteering takes place with absolute religious faith. The author considers that the difference between these two religious non-profit organizations arises from differing political, social and economic situations in the historical development of Taiwan and Korea. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會學系 85254015 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#A2002001857 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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