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    政大機構典藏 > 理學院 > 心理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/83370
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    Title: 離婚婦女之生活資源與適應
    Divorced women`s life resources and post-divorced adaptation
    Authors: 韓貴香
    Jessy Han, K.
    Contributors: 李美枝
    Jessy Han, K.
    Keywords: 離婚婦女
    divorced women
    life resource
    resource theory
    post-divorced adaptation
    Date: 2000
    Issue Date: 2016-03-31 16:39:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究是以Foa等人(1993)的「資源」觀點,來分析婦女在離婚時所可能擁有的生活資源與其離婚後適應的關係,分為自己提供給自己的資源,即個人的條件和特質;和別人所給與的資源兩大類。並採質化研究深入訪談為資料的主要蒐集方法,由分析的資料來看,離婚對女性的衝擊始於婚姻出現狀況開始,而隨時間過去,婦女離婚後生活的適應在型態上也會有一些差異,所以資源在不同階段所能發揮的作用也不相同。研究者依適應型態的不同將離婚適應分成四階段,1.「離」、「合」之間的混亂階段;2.離婚後需立即面對的主要適應議題與離婚資源的關係;3.適應議題的轉變與離婚資源的關係;與4.成長等四個階段。此四階段並無明確的時間區隔,只是發生的順序不同。文中還比較了不同人際關係所提供的資源在具體性上的差別以及其引申的意涵。
    Based on Foa’s “Resource” perspective in 1993, this research analyzes the relationships between the resources women potentially own during the course of getting divorced and their adaptability to the post-divorced life style. The resources are grouped into two major sources: self-resources, i.e. personal qualifications and characteristics, and external-resources provided by others. This research relies on in-depth qualitative interviews as its main source of input data collection methodology. According to input data analyses, women’s post-divorced life styles have very different adaptive patterns. Therefore, “resources” also display different functions in divorce process. Based on different adaptive patterns, the researcher proposes four phases of divorce adaptability: 1) the chaotic phase of “marriage” or “divorce”; 2) the relationships between adaptation issues and resources during the phase immediate after divorce; 3) the relationships between the transformation of adaptation issues and resources; and 4) growth. There is no fixed timeframe for the four phases. The only distinction is the sequence of occurrence. Furthermore, this research compares the “concreteness” of resources provided by various inter-personal networks and its implications.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#A2002002141
    Data Type: thesis
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