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    Title: 組織變革中派系互動的影響及其相關機制的探討-以民進黨為例
    investigation on affection of factions interaction in organzational change and associated mechanism--take democratic progressive party for example
    Authors: 呂弦玲
    Lu, Hsuan-Ling
    Contributors: 黃國彥
    Huang, Kuo-Yien
    Lu, Hsuan-Ling
    Keywords: 民進黨
    DPP (democratic progressive party)
    faction interaction
    organizational change
    Guanxi relation
    leader behavior
    Date: 2000
    Issue Date: 2016-03-31 16:39:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究的目的在於使用心理學與政治學當中,與組織變革相關的理論與實務研究,來探索在政黨歷經組織變革的過程.研究對象為國內第一大反對黨─民進黨.
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