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    Title: 論保險業與其他金融行業組織上結合之監理
    A study on the conglomerating among the insurance companies and other financial businesses
    Authors: 張冠群
    Chang, Kuan-Chun
    Contributors: 林勳發
    Lin, Hsin-Fa
    Chang, Kuan-Chun
    Keywords: 保險業
    Date: 2000
    Issue Date: 2016-03-31 16:36:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文乃鑑於金融服務業跨業經營係大勢所趨,且以組織上結合之方式達跨業經營之目的廣為金融行業所採而撰著。金融行業,含銀行、保險與證券業,藉組織上結合方式建立金融集團,縱於消費者及規模經濟與範圍經濟之達成皆屬有益,惟亦衍生諸多個別行業未見或未臻嚴重之監理問題。而睽諸國內關斯等問題論述之文獻,乃如汗牛充棟,緣此,筆者乃不耑拙陋,自組織結合之基本內涵為始,並覓得金融行業組織結合之監理問題及監理之基礎。其後,以演繹法就各該衍生之監理問題,如集團資本適足性、風險集中、風險蔓延、利益輸送、利益衝突、集團內交易與暴險及其他問題如競爭法上問題之內涵、可能影響及其可行之監理之道一一鋪陳,試於國際組織之報告及外國立法例之比較辨正過程中,為吾國金融行業組織上結合監理制度之建構,覓一足茲參酌之思索方向。茲就本文之結構與各章之要旨,摘述如后:
    Reference: 一、 中文書籍(依姓氏筆畫)
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    二、 中文專論(依姓氏筆畫)
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    三、 英文書籍
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    (14) James Maycock, Financial Conglomerates: The New Phenomenon, 1986, Gower Publishing Co.
    (15) John D. Zelenzy, Communication Law, 1993, Wadsworth Publishing Co.
    (16) L.A.A Van den Berghe & K.Verwire, Creating the Future with All Finance and Financial Conglomerates , 1998, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    (17) Michael Parkin, Economics, 1994, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
    (18) Nadege Genetay/ Philip Molyneux ,Bancassurance, 1998, ST.MARTIN’S PRESS, INC.
    (19) Peter M. Lencsis, Insurance Regulation in the United States, 1997 Quorum Books.
    (20) Roger Cotterrell, The Sociology of Law: An Introduction, 1992, Butterworth.
    (21) Willaim. A Lovett , Banking and Financial Institution Law(4th Edition), 1997 West Publish Co.
    (22) Woude, Jones and Lewis, EEC Competition Law Handbook ,1993 Edition Sweet & Maxwell.
    四、 英文專論
    (1) Charles R. Macguire, Should Bank Sell Insurance? The Relationship of Section 92, the Mccarran-Ferguson Act and State Laws Restricting Bank Activity, Journal of Legislation, Vol22:19, 1996, p.19~43.
    (2) George A. Walker, The Law of Financial Conglomerates: The Next Generation, The International Lawyer, VOL.30 NO.1, spring 1996.
    (3) Jan-Jay Lin, The Revolution of Insurance Supervision-From the Aspect of Financial Regulation, NCCU Law Review, Vol. 58, 1998.
    (4) Kenneth J. Meier, The Politics of Insurance Regulation, The Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol.58, 1991.
    (5) Michael Taylor, The Joint forum Report on Financial Conglomerate, Financial Regulation Report, 1998.
    五、 國際組織之文件報告
    (1) Basle Committee on Banking Supervision, Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision, 1997.
    (2) Basle Committee on Banking Supervision, A New Capital Adequacy Framework, 1999.
    (3) Basle Committee on Banking Supervision, For the Evaluation of Internal Control System , 1998.
    (4) Basle Committee on Banking Supervision, A New Capital Adequacy Framework Pillar 3 Market Discipline, 2000.
    (5) IAIS Technical Committee, Supervisory Standard on Licensing, 1998, Report from IAIS.
    (6) IOSCO, Capital Adequacy Standards for Securities Firms, 1989.
    (7) IOSCO, Risk management and Control Guidance Securities Firms and Their Supervision , 1998.
    (8) IOSCO Technical Committee, Objective and Principles of Securities Regulation, 1998.
    (9) Joint Forum on Financial Conglomerates, Supervision of Financial Conglomerates, Document jointly released by the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision, the International Organization of Securities Commission and International Association of Insurance Supervision, 1999.
    (10) Joint Forum on Financial Conglomerates, Risk Concentration Principles, 1999.
    (11) Joint Forum on Financial Conglomerates, Intra-Croup Transactions and Exposures Principles, 1999.
    (12) OECD, Financial conglomerates, 1993.
    (13) Tripartite Group of Bank, Securities and Insurance Regulations, The Supervision of Financial Conglomerates, 1995.
    六、 主要法規資源
    (1) 中華民國銀行法,民86。
    (2) 中華民國保險法,民86。
    (3) 中華民國證券交易法,民86。
    (4) 中華民國公司法,民86。
    (5) 中華民國公平交易法,民80。
    (6) 中華民國電腦處理個人資料保護法,民84。
    (1) Code of Federal Regulation
    (2) Federal Deposit Insurance Act
    (3) Federal Reserve Act
    (4) Financial Service Competitiveness Act.
    (5) Financial Service Modernization Act.
    (6) NAIC, Insurance Information and Privacy Protection Act.
    (7) NAIC, Risked-Based Capital(RBC) for Insurers Model Act.
    (8) NAIC, Insurance Holding Company System Regulatory Act.
    (9) United States Code(12 U.S.C)
    (1) 73/293/EEC Directive.
    (2) 79/267/ EEC Directive.
    (3) 83/349/EEC Directive
    (4) 83/350/EEC Directive
    (5) 86/635/ EEC Directive
    (6) 4046/89/EEC Directive
    (7) 89/117/EEC Directive
    (8) 92/30/EEC Directive
    (9) 92/121/EEC Directive
    七、 相關網站
    (1) http://www.judicial.gov.tw
    (2) http://www.mof.gov.tw
    (3) http:// www.fsa.gov.jp
    (4) http:// www.fsa.gov.uk
    (5) http:// www.bis.org
    (6) http://www.iosco.org
    (7) http://www.iais.net,org
    (8) http://www.oecd.org
    (9) http://www.law.cornell.edu
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#A2002002017
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[風險管理與保險學系] 學位論文

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