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    Title: 股市發展與經濟成長
    Stock Market Development and Economic Growth
    Authors: 賴龍興
    Lai, Lung-Hsing
    Contributors: 胡聯國
    Hu, Len-Kuo
    Lai, Lung-Hsing
    Keywords: 股票市場
    stock market
    economic growth
    instrumental variable legal origin
    Date: 2000
    Issue Date: 2016-03-30 17:36:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 股市發展是否影響長期經濟成長?本研究以Levine(1991)的內生成長模型作為實證分析之理論依據,股票市場的出現可以消弭流動性風險與生產性風險對個人投資決策的負面影響,進而促進經濟體的成長。我們採取一般成長文獻所最常使用之跨國橫斷面迴歸方式,分析52國1985-1997的平均股市與社會經濟資料,以法系與法律環境做為工具變數,來捕捉股市發展之外生部分對經濟成長的影響。實證結果如下:1.整體而言股市發展的確顯著促進了一國的經濟成長,而影響成長的主要管道則為資本成長。2.對於先進工業化國家而言,我們無法證明其股票市場對於經濟成長具有影響力。3.相反的,對開發中國家而言,股票市場則扮演著重要的角色,不僅促進經濟的成長,對於資本成長與要素生產力成長也有顯著的提升。4.股市與私人儲蓄之間的關係則較為模糊,雖然實證結果隱約透露,對開發中國家而言,發展股市有助於提升私人儲蓄,但我們無法找到統計上顯著強固的證據來加以支持。5.法律因子對於各國股市發展差異所具有的顯著解釋能力給予我們一個啟示:倘若一國的法律對於股東權益的保障越好,執行法律的品質與效率越高,那麼一國將會擁有一個功能完善與發展良好的股票市場,進而對其經濟成長有所助益。
    Do well-developed stock markets promote long-run economic growth? This study evaluates the empirical relationship between the level of stock market development and (i) economic growth, (ii) physical capital accumulation, (iii) total factor productivity, and (iv) private saving rate. By using a pure cross-country instrumental variable estimator to extract the exogenous component of stock market development, we find that (1) stock market development (measured by liquidity) is positively associated with economic growth and physical capital growth; (2) the links between stock market development and both productivity growth and private saving rates are tenuous; (3) for the developing sub-sample, the growth-promoting effect is as strong as with the full sample; for the developed sub-sample, however, this effect is at best very weak; and (4) legal reforms that strengthen shareholder rights and contract enforcement can boost stock market development and therefore accelerate economic growth.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#A2002002044
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Department of International Business] Theses

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