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    Title: 單身熟齡女性退休市場商機分析
    Business Opportunities in the Retirement Market of Single Mature Women
    Authors: 李芸英
    Li, Yun Ying
    Contributors: 陳建維
    Li, Yun Ying
    Keywords: 單身熟齡女性
    single mature women
    pioneer research
    market segmentation
    demand characteristics
    potential business opportunities
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2016-03-01 17:12:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 高齡化及少子化的人口結構改變帶來了龐大的銀髮商機,社會總體消費行為以及價值觀亦隨之轉變。惟銀髮市場並非同質性的,其中又以單身女性銀髮族的利基市場最有前景;然而國內鮮少針對特定銀髮族利基市場進行相關的消費者研究。目前對銀髮市場的開發多鎖定現今的銀髮族;然而未來20年將逐漸進入退休生活之40~60歲的族群,平均教育程度及經濟能力較現今的銀髮族為高,思想比上一代開明,加上近年來智慧科技的突飛猛進,其所想望的退休生活勢必與現今的銀髮族大為不同。



    The changing population structure caused by population aging and low fertility rate has created numerous opportunities for business targeting the elders, which also changes consumer behavior and values in the society. At the moment, the development of silver market mostly focuses on the elders today. However, the forty-to-sixty-year-olds who are going to be retiring in the next twenty years have higher educational background and economic power; moreover, they are more open-minded and have experienced the boost of modern technologies, which gives them much more different expectation for life in retirement than the elders today.

    Also, the silver market is not homogeneous, and the niche market for single elder women has the brightest prospect. Nevertheless, there is barely any consumer research for the elder niche markets in Taiwan.

    Therefore, this pioneer research targets at single mature females with high educational level, high income, and high qualifications. They are open-minded, financially independent, able to use their time freely, willing to invest in themselves; above all, they have strong consuming capacity. Through exploration of the expectation and demand of the target customers, the potential business opportunities can be uncovered.

    The research starts with literature review, analyzing the current social data, the change of population structure, relevant theoretical models, and the current market conditions. Then it adopts the method of individual in-depth interview to understand the family condition, life style, and ideas about retirement of every interviewee. The result of the research shows that the interviewees could be divided into four clusters: the small happiness holders with introverted housebound disposition, the adventurers who stay mentally young and love to try something new, the fighters who care about the society and life quality, and the leaders who love luxuries and to control everything. The interviewees’ expectations of future have already overpassed the most fundamental levels of needs: physiological and safety needs, and are inclined to higher levels needs: social, self-esteem, and self-actualization needs.

    There are five aspects regarding the practical demands: the ways to slow aging and keep health and beauty, a nice shelter to enjoy the comfortable retirement life, the finance-management to be financially independent, education and entertainment, and the chances of self-actualization. Twenty-two potential business opportunities can be derived from these demands, which respectively belong to the following six categories: medical and health care, intelligence technology, housing and transportation, financial service, living support, and work and entertainment.
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