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    Title: 以Kano與IPA模式評量宅配業者服務品質 - 以統一速達為例
    Service Quality Assessment of Home-Delivery Provider Using Kano and IPA Model - A Case Study of President Transnet Corporation
    Authors: 陳懿信
    Chen, Yi Hsin
    Contributors: 李易諭
    Chen, Yi Hsin
    Keywords: 宅配服務
    home-delivery service
    service quality
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-03-01 10:58:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 網際網路的普及造就了虛擬通路產業的興盛,負責「最後一哩」實體配送的宅配產業自然也跟著蓬勃發展;隨著市場規模持續成長,業者彼此間的競爭也日益激烈,加上台灣民眾的生活水準提升,不再純以價格導向為主,促使業者更加重視服務品質藉以獲得消費者的青睞;然而這些努力是否有真正的傳達則仍待驗證,為此,本研究選擇了宅配業者服務品質評量做為研究主題,並以目前台灣首屈一指的宅配業者「統一速達─黑貓宅急便」做¬為個案對象進行研究調查。
    本研究首先以Kano二維品質模式進行服務品質要素歸類,研究結果發現以無差異品質要素居多(13項)、當然品質要素居次(9項)、魅力(2項)與一維品質要素(1項)數量則較少,顯示了多數提出的服務品質項目對消費者而言不具備特別意義;接著依據歸類後結果計算出顧客滿意度係數,得知整體而言服務品質項目影響不滿意的程度(-0.693)高於影響滿意的程度(0.570);隨後再以IPA模式進行分析,查得消費者對於調查的服務品質項目普遍覺得重視(0.4238),落於第I(7項)與第IV象限(6項)的服務品質項目數量合計超過半數,整體滿意度也較靠近「滿意」(0.3880),因此可推論消費者對於服務品質有著一定程度的肯定,服務品質項目的象限落點分佈也與Kano歸類結果相符;本研究最後再進行綜合性分析,提出了七項關鍵性的服務品質項目與完整的服務品質建議改善排序清單,此份改善排序清單與前述分析的結果相當一致,具關鍵影響性的服務品質項目皆位於優先改善的範圍之內,可做為個案公司─ 黑貓宅急便未來改善之有效依據。
    The advancement of Internet technology has resulted in the raise of virtual channel industry, and ultimately prompted the growth of the home-delivery industry. With the continuing growth of its market size, home-delivery providers are facing fierce competition more than before. Moreover, with the improvement of Taiwanese people`s quality of living, consumers are less likely to be price-oriented in their product/service selection. Thus, service providers believe that they need to enhance their quality of service to win over customers` trust. However, whether those efforts serve their purpose still awaits further verification. Therefore, the present study chose President Transnet Corporation, Taiwan’s leading home-delivery provider as the case for assessing service quality of home-delivery providers.
    The study first uses Kano model to classify the service quality elements. The result shows that “Indifferent Quality Element” is the main factor and that most of the elements the research proposed have no other special meaning to the consumers. Then, the calculating outcome of customer satisfaction index based on Kano categorized result proves that the service quality elements` effect on dissatisfaction (-0.693) is higher than that on satisfaction (0.570). The IPA model analysis shows that most customers feel that the service quality elements are important (0.4238) and they are satisfied (0.3880). The elements scattered on the IPA model are congruent with the result of the Kano analysis. Finally, this research uses composite analysis to present 7 critical service quality elements and the suggested sorting list of service quality enhancement. Since the suggested list is consistent with foregoing analysis results the target company can adopt it for future improvement.
    Reference: 英文部份(依姓氏字母排序)
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