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    Title: 使用圖碼技術於行動商務平台
    Apply Picture Code to Commerce Application
    Authors: 何駿逸
    Ho, Chun Yi
    Contributors: 張宏慶
    Jang, Hung Chin
    Ho, Chun Yi
    Keywords: 行動商務平台
    Mobile Commerce Platform
    Picture Code
    Electronic Wallet
    Third-party payment
    Mobile Paymen
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-03-01 10:57:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 從過去的公元2000年所強調網路Dot Com時代來臨,資訊商務發展一路從電子錢包、電子商務、B2B、B2C、第三方支付、C2C、O2O..到近期的「行動支付」發展的角度上來看,因為網路的發達,無線網路覆蓋面積的增大,網路速度也不斷的提升,智慧型手機及行動裝置使用廣泛,讓整體消費市場由過去所重視的企業消費市場已大幅轉向重視個人的消費市場。
    短短的這二、三年,因智慧型手機使用的普及,各種APP應用程式蓬勃發展,已徹底改變了人們的生活習慣,當人們想要獲取與傳遞資訊時,只要動動手指頭,馬上就可達成;相對的,人們對於智慧型手機行動裝置也越來越依賴。面對這一新的「動動手指頭的時代」發展與趨勢,加上個人消費者的使用與消費習慣改變,造就了消費市場巨幅的變化;企業更為爭取個人消費者的市場,作為企業競爭力之指標。從企業為爭取個人消費者的市場之發展趨勢來看,O2O (Online to Offline)更成為現代重要的營銷模式。
    本研究的貢獻希望在於以便利商店繳交信用卡帳款為例得到之啟發,打造一個行動商務平台,藉由現代圖碼(Picture Code),即利用目前所常見使用的條碼,如:堆疊式二維條碼以及矩陣式二維條碼,結合現行還在開發之新技術,組合出更新,圖形更複雜且資料儲存量更大之圖碼當作介質,透過網路之連結,以現代資訊商務發展活動的應用模式為基礎,套用本研究之應用模型,作為對於個人使用者的身分驗證,以及個人消費者於現代資訊商務發展活動之「電子錢包」及「電子商務」、「第三方支付」乃至「C2C」在使用信用卡的應用上,透過使用智慧型手機或行動裝置,作為現代另一新的「行動支付」方法。同時,在完成商務交易活動後,又能結合O2O營銷模式,為使用或消費者個人帶來共多利益,也為商家創造出更多商機。
    From "Dot Com" network generation coming in 2000, the IT Business Development Activities from "Electronic Wallet", "e-commerce", "B2B", "B2C", "Third-party payment," "C2C", "O2O" to the recent "Mobile Payment" development, because the network developed, wireless network coverage area increases, network speed has also been improved, smart phones and mobile devices are popular, overall business market is focus on the individual consumer market now.
    In this three years, smart phones use a variety of APP applications, it really has completely changed people`s habits. When people want to capture and transmit some information, it just need to “move your fingers” as soon as you can reach. Also, people become increasingly dependent on smart phones and mobile devices. Face with this new "move your fingers time” developments trends and consumers’ consumption habits change, enterprise all want to increase the individual consumers’ market share and also as a business Indicators competitiveness. O2O (Online to Offline, Offline to Online) business model is more and more important to enterprise in the future.
    This thesis investigates from a case study on credit card payment for bill in the convenience store to get an idea. Hope build up a mobile commerce platform and use the modern “Picture Code” that the current use of bar codes, such as Stacked 2D bar codes and two-dimensional matrix bar code and combined with the existing new technology still in development. The combination of updates, graphics and more complex and larger data storage capacity of the bar code to be the new “interface”.
    Based on all application connect within Internet, we try to implement for all application according to development and innovation from this paper that to be a customer’s ID verification and “mobile payment” new model. Meanwhile, after transaction successfully, integrate the O2O business model to create more benefit for customer and more business opportunity for enterprise.
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