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Title: | 台灣後民主化時期公民社會的崛起:以太陽花運動為例分析國家與社會的互動關係 Rising Civil Society in Post-Democratization Taiwan: |
Authors: | 劉雅慈 Liu, Ya Cih |
Contributors: | 魏玫娟 Wei, Mei Chuan 劉雅慈 Liu, Ya Cih |
Keywords: | 太陽花運動 民主化 公民社會 the Sunflower Movement democratization civil society |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2016-03-01 10:55:00 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本篇論透過文分析公民社會在台灣民主化過程所扮演的腳色來檢視國家與社會的互動;並聚焦於太陽花運動分析台灣後民主化時期公民社會的崛起。 This dissertation seeks to examine the state-society relations in Taiwan through analyzing the role of civil society in different stages of Taiwan’s political development with a focus on the impact of the Sunflower Movement in March 2014 on Taiwan’s state-society relations. The Sunflower Movement is viewed by some observers and commentators as a significant sign of a (re-)rising civil society in Taiwan since the process of democratization was completed in the 1990s. Civil society, in the explanations of modernization theory, played a crucial role in Taiwan’s political transition from authoritarianism to democracy. However, civil society, as an important sphere for the contestation and formation of public consciousness, which is essential to democracy, seems to cease to play its democratic role adequately since the country had its first regime change when the major opposition party, the Democratic Progressive Party (the DPP) took power from the ruling Kuomintang (the KMT) in 2000. Drawing upon civil society theories in relations to the role of civil society in the democratization process and in a democratic, this study aims to pursue the question as to how exactly the Sunflower Movement impact on the state policies and democratic discourse in Taiwan. |
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