题名: | 官民信任關係與文官促進公民參與意願之研究 A Study of the Relations Between Official-Citizen Trust and Civil Servants’ Willingness to Promote Citizen Participation |
作者: | 蔡姍珊 Tsai, Shan Shan |
贡献者: | 陳敦源 Chen, Don Yun 蔡姍珊 Tsai, Shan Shan |
关键词: | 民主治理 促進公民參與意願 文官對人民信任度 實質公民參與 democratic governance promoting citizen participation public servants’trust in citizens authentic citizen participation |
日期: | 2016 |
上传时间: | 2016-03-01 10:51:03 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 促進公民對政府信任之理論及方式多有學者探究,而針對政府文官對人民信任度及促進參與意願之研究較少。本研究旨在探討文官對人民的信任度及其促進公民公民參與意願之關連性及其影響因素,因為推動實質公民參與的基礎在於文官對於公民參與的態度及對人民參與能力之信任。而促進公民參與之意願,係指文官對於公民參與之評價及認知,進而影響到促進公民參與之意願。
最後,本研究並依據結果發現提出結論,以對文官、對政府層面探討如何促進文官對人民的信任度及促進公民參意願,同時,並從研究方法、研究變項及研究對象三方面提供後續研究建議。 Many discussions have been conducted on theories and measures to enhance the public’s trust in the government, however not so much has been conducted on how to improve civil servants’ trust in citizens or how to enhance their willingness to promote citizen participation.. Since promotion of citizen participation is based on civil servants’ attitude towards the issue and their trust in citizens’ participation capabilities, this study aims to investigate the relation and influence between civil servants’ trust in citizens and their will to promote citizen participation. The will to promote citizen participation refers to civil servants’ assessment and cognition of citizen participation, which are all factors that influence the will to promote citizen participation.
The research was conducted through a survey distributed to civil servants majoring in 8 MPA public management classes in Taiwan, whereby 223 effective samples were retrieved and the valid response rate was 71 percent. The data analysis was conducted through methods of descriptive analysis, one way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation analysis and regression. Base on results of the research method, the following conclusions were derived:
1.The most important factor in civil servants’ will to promote citizen participation lies in their trust in citizens.
2.The more the civil servants can identify with social movements and with people’s criticism towards the government, the more trust they have in citizens.
3.Civil servants’ affect-based trust in citizens is a mediating variable between their trust in citizens and their will to promote citizen participation; also, their trust in citizen’s ability to participate is a mediating variable between civil servants’ affect-based trust in citizens and will to promote citizen participation.
4.Only the variable of motivation for further training has significant difference on both civil servants’ trust in citizens and their will to promote citizen participation.
5.As for the civil servants’ demographical variable’s affect on trust and will to promote citizen participation, only the age factor shows significant difference on civil servants’ trust in citizens and their will to promote citizen participation. Furthermore, for the promotion of citizen participation and their will to promote citizen participation, only the factor of the civil servants’ belonging agencies resulted in significant difference, showing a result of those who served in central government having a much higher will over local government to promote citizen participation.
Finally, this study derived conclusions from the survey results, and discuss the improvement of trust in citizens from civil servants’ and government’s perspective, and promotion of civil servants’ will to promote citizen participation. Meanwhile, this study also provides suggestions for future research through three aspects of research design, research variables. and objects of study. |
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