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    Title: 探討兩岸電子商務產業競爭力分析 :以淘寶網和PChome為例
    The Study of Cross-straits E-commerce Industry Competitiveness Analysis: A Case of Taobao and PChome.
    Authors: 施雅絨
    Shih, Ya Jung
    Contributors: 童振源
    Tung, Chen Yuan
    Shih, Ya Jung
    Keywords: 電子商務
    Key success factor(KSF)
    Competitive advantage
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-03-01 10:45:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,電子商務產業崛起,尤其以亞洲地區是全世界電子商務發展最蓬勃最快速的地方。其中,中國大陸的電子商務市場規模不斷地擴大,也加速跨境電子商務貿易服務,目前已經成為世界最大的電子零售市場。而台灣位處於電子商務市場發展最成熟、競爭最激烈的黃金地帶,且已有電子商務產業發展二十年的經驗積累,然而,在面對中國大陸電商企業進軍台灣市場的當下,台灣電商業者仍面臨潛在的競爭壓力。因此本文欲探討兩岸電子商務產業競爭力分析,探究台灣電子商務產業發展所面臨的瓶頸。


    The e-commerce has swiftly emerged as a major way of doing business over the world in these years. Asia market, in particular, is the place of fertile soil for e-commerce and holds an outright majority of the world market. Along with the increase in market cap of ecommerce, China has accelerated the pace of developing cross-border ecommerce services. By far, China will be the largest retail ecommerce market and account for over 40% of the world’s sales in 2015.

    Taiwan stands in such prime district of e-commerce with its twenty-year ecommerce industry history. However, there are still menaces in the face of potential competition by china e-corp. This study tries to analyze the competitiveness of ecommerce industry between mainland China and Taiwan and to further discover the obstacles that Taiwan ecommerce industries have faced.
    This study conducted qualitative research methods on Taobao(China) and PChome(Taiwan) and in-depth interviews with specialists, service providers, and customers. With key success factors on three dimensions: 1) macro economy, 2) industry, 3) individual company, we scrutinized the competitive advantages and disadvantages of Taiwan ecommerce industry.

    The results suggest that there’s an advantage of providing localized service for PChome, but a deficiency in capital to expand its services overseas. The most important variable for competitiveness is market capitalization via our three-dimension analysis. Despite the effort of expanding, PChome suffered from logistics costs in both EU and American market. Also, it had failed to introduce its services to mainland China-the most rapid-growth market. The market expansion of PChome was limited in Taiwan, and it was absent from the prosperity of China economy. In the future, Taiwan’s ecommerce companies must focus on the cultivation of cross-border services. Exportation is a crucial way for ecommerce companies to extend its market cap and to gather the resources for future development.
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