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Title: | 初任華語教師遭遇的困擾與因應之個案研究 A Case Study on Problems and Coping Strategies of Two Beginning TCSL Teachers |
Authors: | 劉思嫺 |
Contributors: | 招靜琪 劉思嫺 |
Keywords: | 初任教師 華語教師 困擾因應 Beginning teacher Teaching Chinese as Second Language Coping strategy TCSL |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-03-01 10:39:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來越來越多人投入華語教學這個領域,然而華語教師的培訓尚未有一統一的規範。過往有許多關於教師發展歷程的研究,顯示教師的初任階段是奠定未來教育生涯的關鍵期。因此本論文以兩位初任的華語教師為個案研究對象,採取質性研究的半結構式訪談,深入了解研究參與者在教學過程中所遇到來自不同方面的困擾以及他們的因應策略,最後提出結論以及相關建議。 研究結果發現初任教師主要的困擾和成因在專業技巧方面是由於經驗的不足所以不熟悉學生的程度,以及無法預測學生於課堂的反應;而社會情緒方面則是由於缺乏自信心,對於自己的表現還不夠肯定;環境組織方面則是由於大環境政策的不友善,使得教師有後顧之憂。 最後根據個案的研究結果歸納出對於華語教師培訓機構、語言中心以及後續研究的建議。 More and more people are engaging in Teaching Chinese as Second Language these years. There are many studies on teacher’s development which reveal that the beginning phase is the key phase in a teacher’s career. This study aims to understand the problems beginning teachers might encounter and what are their coping strategies by interviewing two cases. The major findings reveal that their problems originate from three aspects: (1) profession technique: lack understanding of students’ level and their reactions in class; classroom climate (2) self-emotion: lack of confidence; skeptical of self (3) working conditions: unstable income and the lack of welfare And their coping strategies are: asking their colleagues, observing other seniors, talking directly with students. At the end of the thesis, suggestions are given to the TCSL teacher training foundations and language center, to help TCSL teachers get through this unstable phase of teaching career. |
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