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Title: | 從傳統化工產業進入電子特用化學品的4C行銷競爭策略分析-以D公司為例 Strategic Marketing Analysis for the Electronic Chemical Business-The Case of D company |
Authors: | 王興嘉 |
Contributors: | 邱志聖 王興嘉 |
Keywords: | 電子化學 4C策略架構 市場分析 LCD 搜尋資訊成本 electronic chemical company 4C Framework of Strategic Marketing Analysis LCD cost of information search |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2016-03-01 10:30:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 電子產業為台灣主流產業,相關化學品使用量很大,過去多仰賴國外進口,是台灣傳統化學化工產業可用以轉型並切入的利基點。但台灣電子產業製造廠對本土化學材料供應商卻信心不足,有時根本連上線測試的機會都沒有。D公司是作者曾經任職的電子化學材料公司,也是A光電公司(LCD面板製造商)與E化學公司合資的公司,A公司的策略考量為掌握面板的上游原物料,E公司之策略則為穩定下游產品出海口。A光電公司知道要做什麼樣的產品,E化學公司則在過去累積了許多特用化學品的專業知識,所以D公司事實上是所謂know-what and know-how的結合,是電子化學材料公司轉型成功的一個案例。 本研究為導入邱志聖(2014)的4C架構,並分析D公司如何以產業的後進者,卻能克服日本競爭者的先行者優勢,而成功的關鍵點,並以此作為後續其他進入此領域或相類似產業公司的參考。藉由D公司與此產業主要競爭對手日本化學材料公司的4C比較分析可以看出,外顯單位效益成本涵蓋範圍廣,大家各有勝負,很難點出問題的核心及思考解決的策略;又日本化學材料公司的道德危機成本低於D公司,很難立即改變;但D公司的資訊交易成本比日本競爭者低(因為客戶A公司是同集團公司)。這也許是一個很好的切入點,所以D材料公司的行銷策略方向與順序為先利用降低交易成本的方式(與客戶建立合資公司),進而提升技術與成本降低等外顯單位效益成本的競爭力,並藉著產品導入的機會與實績,逐漸提升與建立聲譽(降低道德危機成本),再利用時機點的掌握與對手的可能犯錯,有策略的解決及導入有高替換成本的產品,最後再以此更強化道德危機成本。 本研究案例可提供傳統化工公司轉型之行銷策略參考,亦可適用於其他行銷門檻較高的產業。 The electronic industry is one of the major industries in Taiwan. The chemicals consumption in this industry are huge and most imported from abroad. This could be the right industry or relative new area that the traditional chemical company in Taiwan can transform to. “D” company is a joint venture of “A” optoelectronic company (LCD panel maker) and “E” chemical company. “A” company knows the electronic products and technology trend, while “E” chemical has experience and professional knowhow in specialty chemical domain. “D” company possesses the knowledge of “know-what” and “know-how”, and is a successful chemical company in electronic industry. This study introduced the “4C Framework of Strategic Marketing Analysis” (Chiou 2014) and analyzed the key points that how the “D” company can succeed as a latecomer in the electronic chemical industry. By means of 4C analysis, it is clear to identify that the C2 (cost of information search) in “D” company is much lower than competitors due to belonging to the same group with major customer. By this, “D” company has the platform and advantages to further reduce the cost of utilities, such as technology learning curve and cost structure. By successfully introducing the products to customer one by one and build-up the credibility and reputation step by step, this can reduce the cost of moral hazard. However, the cost of asset specific is difficult to overcome. Sometime it needs to wait for the opportunity and/or the mistakes made by the competitors. With the overcome of cost of asset specific can bring more credit and reputation to further reduce the cost of moral hazard. This case study can be applied as the reference of strategic marketing analysis for transformation of traditional chemical company to electronic chemical company. It is also suitable in the area with high marketing barrier. |
Reference: | 中文部份 1. 邱志聖(2014),策略行銷分析:架構與實務運用,智勝文化。 2. 郭宗鑫(2005),從樹脂業進入LCD用化學品的競爭策略-以A公司為例,國立中山大學管理學院高階經營碩士論文 3. 傑若德.提利斯(Gerard J.Tellis)與彼德.戈德(Peter N. Golder)(2003),《野心與願景》(Will And Vision),商周出版社 4. 楊千,李能松,吳佳純(2004),我國TFT-LCD監視器產業之競爭優勢分析,產業與管理論壇,卷數6期數1: 57~90 5. 曲建仲,王昱凱,吳權峯(2014),台灣液晶面板產業競爭分析,第17屆科際整合管理研討會:401-415 6. 王昭琪(2002),TFT-LCD產業之競合與經營型態分析,工研院IEK電子分項 7. 李秀玉(1999),應用賽局理論分析我國薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器產業之競爭策略,交通大學科技管理研究所碩士論文 8. 林宏聲(2008),以購併方法提升企業競爭優勢之研究:以友達光電為例,國立中央大學企業管理學系碩士論文。 9. 鍾俊元,廖顯杰(2005),「2004年我國FPD產業回顧與展望」,IEK產業情報 10. D公司2013年年報,2014
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網站部分 1. 友達光電股份有限公司網頁: www.auo.com.tw/ 2. 中華映管股份有限公司網頁: www.cptt.com.tw |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 102932011 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102932011 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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