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    题名: 影響新興市場企業出口績效之因素分析—以中國中小企業為例
    The determinants of export performance in emerging markets: Take Chinese SMEs for example
    作者: 陳亭如
    Chen, Ting Ju
    贡献者: 簡睿哲
    Chen, Ting Ju
    关键词: 出口績效
    Export performance
    Emerging markets
    日期: 2015
    上传时间: 2016-03-01 10:25:51 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 全球化時代的來臨,促進企業的國際化並加速了國際貿易的成長。企業進行海外拓展國際化的第一步便是出口,也因此出口績效儼然成為許多國際商業或經濟學者探討的重要議題。然而,在如此眾多的出口績效研究中,研究目標卻鮮少為新興市場企業。
    Globalization makes the amount of international trade growing rapidly than before. Firms do more international activities and seek for superior export performance. Researchers of International Business and Economics see this trend as an important topic to discuss. However, among so many literatures of the determinants of export performance, there seems to be little about the export performance in emerging markets. To make the researches of determinants of export performance become more complete, I will take firms in emerging markets as the study subject.
    I randomly collected data of 319 firms from a B2B e-commerce marketplace. With the aspect of late mover advantage, I take innovation as one of the determinants of export performance. Also, product quality and international diversity are both considered. Firms in emerging markets think e-commerce as an efficiency tool to expand markets and this is the reason I put e-commerce usage time in the structure. Finally, some firms from the sample are so-called “born-globals,” I also study the relationship between born-global and export performance.
    In this paper, I found product quality and e-commerce usage time positively affect the export performance; while innovation and international diversity do not provide a significant result. Besides, export performance of born-globals in emerging markets is better than other firms, which were not born-global. Hope this paper can make people who are interested in export performance in emerging market understand the situation more.
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