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    Title: 歐膩都是這樣穿- 台灣都會女性對韓劇置入商品的解讀
    Eonni Looks:A study of Taiwanese metropolitan females` interpretation toward the product placement in Korean drama
    Authors: 楊崴馨
    Yang, Wei Hsin
    Contributors: 曾國峰
    Tseng, Kuo Feng
    Yang, Wei Hsin
    Keywords: 韓劇
    Korean Drama
    Product Placement
    metropolitan female audience
    cultural consumption
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2016-03-01 10:25:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究採焦點團體及網路文字訪談方式,以閱聽人的解釋與詮釋等心理層面探討,透過13位受訪女性閱聽人的韓劇收視經驗及風格剖析,試圖理解她們對於韓劇置入商品的接收、解讀以及個人消費間的關聯性,藉此建構出置入性行銷的影響因素與輪廓,作為未來台灣戲劇製作單位或廣告主在置入性行銷實務運用上的參考。
    This research adopts qualitative methodology to explore audience perception of product placements in Korean Drama. Upon considering the audience’s perspective, this study intends to discover cognitive activities about how placed products affect their awareness and consumption behaviors. In particular, the purpose of this study is to assist Taiwanese media practitioners and marketing planers in developing future marketing communication strategies for the practice of product placement.
    The results of this study indicate that 1) Female audiences in the business environment are familiar with product placement. Their attitudes toward implicit placements are more positive than explicit placements. Furthermore, they feel the volume of high fashion brands placed in Korean Drama improves the quality of the show. 2) Korean Drama is good at portrayal management, which develops affective commitment and purchase intention to the placed brands via building popular drama characters and trendy identifications. Meanwhile, the related subtexts, such as blogs, entertainment/celebrity news, are evidenced to trigger product placement effects. 3) As a marketing strategy, this study suggests integrating the placed product or brand into the storyline, to create a trend rather than using repeated appearance of brand logos in the show. In addition, the study also suggests the use of high fashion brand placements to enhance the value of the unknown products in the show.
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