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Title: | 歐洲聯盟推動建構共同高等教育政策的發展與挑戰:兼論對台灣的比較與借鏡 |
Other Titles: | The Higher Education Policy of the European Union: Taiwan`s Perspective |
Authors: | 張台麟 CHANG, TAI-LIN |
Contributors: | 歐洲語文學系 |
Keywords: | 歐洲聯盟;高等教育政策;波隆納進程;歐洲高教區 |
Date: | 2015-09 |
Issue Date: | 2016-02-24 17:21:48 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 歐洲統合的進程初期是以經濟範圍為主軸,教育與文化的層面則僅是輕描淡寫且不是當務之急。1957年的羅馬條約中所提及的教育合作也比較著重職業訓練的範圍。1976年「歐洲共同體」提出了一項推動教育與職訓的具體計畫,但組織與架構還是不夠嚴謹。直到1992年的「歐洲聯盟條約」中教育(包括高等教育)以及職訓這個領域才被依法確立為歐洲聯盟推動建構共同政策的目標。2009年的「里斯本條約」中仍特別強調了教育、職業訓練、青年和體育等範圍的重要性。「里斯本條約」第165條和166條就指出,歐盟應支持並鼓勵會員國的合作以建立並促進優質教育的發展以及推動共同的職訓政策。2010年3月3日歐盟執委會所公布的重要文件「邁向2020年的歐洲:建構一個智慧、永續且開放的成長策略」的內容中更特別將提升高等教育品質、增加學位取得的人數、結合就業市場之需求以及擴大推動跨國合作等列為主要目標之一。2011年3月4日歐盟部長理事會又通過了一項結論,強調教育與職訓在實現2020年成長策略以及提升歐盟競爭力的目標下佔有不可忽視的地位。就高等教育的範圍而言,歐洲擁有大約4000所的高等教育機構、超過1900萬名的學生及150萬名的教育行政人員。歐洲地區也有為數不少的大學是世界歷史悠久且著名的頂尖學府。事實上,歐洲聯盟致力於高等教育整合已超過二十五年,特別將近50個歐洲國家連署參與的「波隆納進程」結合起來,提出相關施行計畫,並於2010年建構「歐洲高等教育區」成效可說相當可觀。歐盟執委會也在2012年所出版的進程報告書中特別肯定了歐盟會員國以及所有參與國在推動高等教育方面的貢獻與成就。換句話說,歐洲聯盟在推動建構共同高等教育的政策有其特色,也面臨許多挑戰,值得我們進一步研究與了解。就台灣的觀點而言,台灣現今的高等教育政策亦面臨重大的問題與挑戰,諸如,高教資源的取得與分配、高教品質的提升與管控、碩博士生的人才培養是否回應就業市場的需求、大學間教育資源分配的不均衡,區域與城鄉之間的差距以及大學的跨校整合與國際合作的能量等皆已成為未來高教發展與改革的重點。本文希望藉由對歐盟推動建構共同高等教育的政策,特別是歐盟推動此項政策的發展沿革、政策建構的法理基礎、相關的組織架構與實施計畫以及政策的成效與評估等面向加以研究,並進一步與台灣現行政策加以比較,並提出值得我國在未來建構與推動高等教育政策與制度上的經驗與借鏡。 At the beginning of the European integration, the education and culture were not a top priority. With the deepening and broadening of the European Union, the EU has payed more and more attention to the field of education and training policy. In 2009, The Treaty of Lisbon has emphasized the importance of education, training and youth policy in order to promote the economic growth and competitiveness of the European Union. On the March of 2010, the European Commission has adopted a 2020 Growth Strategy in which the higher education became one of the priorities.On the March of 2011, the Council of the European Union has made a Conclusion in order to reinforce the european higher education policy. This puts the higher education in the centre of the European Agenda. However, the fact that the cooperation in terms of higher education system is always a privileged domain of each member State, and that each government tried to reduce the public financial aids, the European Union is facing a great challenge on the issues dealing with the common higher education policy. For Taiwan, with the democratization and liberalization of the political regime during the past 30 years, the Government has paid more and more attention to the issue dealing with the higher education reform. Today, Taiwan has over 160 universities and colleges, and more than 90% of high school students can enter into the higher education system. However, with the globalization of higher education, the low birth rate, the reduction of public financial aids to the universities and the acquisition and allocation of the resources, Taiwan’s higher education is also at the crossroad. The purpose of this research project is, firstly, to explore and discuss the history of the EU`s higher education cooperation and its structure and strategic basis, then to analyze the EU`s actions and results on the push for the common policy in terms of the higher education, thirdly to make a comparison to the current situation of Taiwan and try to give a few concrete and insightful advices on the future of the higher education policy. |
Relation: | 歐洲聯盟推動建構共同高等教育政策的發展與挑戰:理論與實際, 政大歐文系及歐盟莫內計畫, pp.3-62 |
Data Type: | book/chapter |
ISBN: | 9789860423167 |
Appears in Collections: | [歐洲語文學系] 專書/專書篇章
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