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    Title: 以零件類別考量,從中心廠角度探討跨國供應鏈策略-以台灣自行車產業為例
    Discuss the international supply chain from the perspective of Central Factory, based on categories of component:Taiwanese bicycle industry as example
    Authors: 江哲毅
    Contributors: 羅明琇
    Lo, Sonia M.
    Keywords: 供應商選擇組合的進入模式
    Supplier Portfolio Entry Model
    International Supply Chain
    Industrial Cluster
    Bicycle Industry
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2016-02-15 10:06:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,政府大力推行台商返鄉投資已引起不小迴響。回顧台商的跨國移動,經營者們不斷追尋各地的優勢條件,投入廠房設備生產具競爭力的產品,期望建立最適切的跨國供應鏈。本研究以供應商選擇組合的進入模式理論作為核心,探討企業在建構跨國供應鏈時,如何就不同零件性質考量選擇適合的進貨來源,讓供應鏈得以順利運作,例如透過母廠自製、本地廠商外包,甚至進口等方式,進行供應鏈佈局的策略探討。




    During the past few years, Taiwanese government have introduced home-coming investment policy, which is supported by many oversea Taiwanese entrepreneurs. For these businesses, that are always moving internationally in order to find the most suitable place to ensure a complete supply chain. In this research, “supplier portfolio entry model” is used to drive the international supply chain strategy, such as homemade or outsourcing etc., in the aspect of different categories of component.

    Bicycle industry is focused, due to that bicycle industry in Taiwan has develop a center-satellite system, where assembly factories dominate their suppliers for international strategy development by deep partnership can be observed. Furthermore, it was an honor to invite the top two bicycle assembly factories in Taiwan, Merida and Giant, for data collection.

    According to research result, it is observed businesses evaluate their international supply chain in the view of geographic benefit and market demand, then solicit suppliers in Taiwan, this is to transfer by using both carrot and stick for the purpose to solve the problem of the lack of supply chain resource in China. Besides, effects of A-Team are elaborated, which upgrades Taiwanese bicycle industry, making its product become quality and fostering its own brand. Henceforth, Chinese factories focus on production quantity and Taiwanese factories on quality. In which this research compare the difference of Merida and Giant in the way of how they run their international supply chain. For example, Merida tends to leverage its supply chain resource between Taiwan and China; on the other hand, Giant is inclined to keep its supply chain independent.

    In addition, this research modify the supplier portfolio entry model by using new index. The factors are technical threshold, the amount of component sourcing and local sourcing rate. With these, Merida’s component suppliers are categorized into three different types and two categorize for Taiwanese bicycle industry. With exception for the product with diverse product-line or under property right protection, this research suggest low technical components source from local suppliers and high technical ones purchase from foreign company.

    In conclusion, this research confirms practical effects of supplier portfolio entry model. However, whether to modify original index depends on different situations. Moreover, this research provide suggestions for those who plan to deploy international supply chain, such as assembly factory, component manufacturer and other Taiwanese manufacturing. And these suggestions would help Taiwanese business strengthen their supply chain. In the end, the research points out restriction as that outcome with the view of assembly factory ignoring opinions from component manufacturer. Consequently, recommendation for further research can expand in component manufacturer’s shoes and then compare results.
    Reference: 中文部分
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