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    Title: 中美認知差距對中國海權發展影響:以釣魚台爭議為例
    Influence of Sino-U.S. Perception Gap on China`s Sea Power: A Case Study of the Diaoyu Islands Dispute
    Authors: 李熙
    Li, Hsi
    Contributors: 黃瓊萩
    Huang, Chiung Chiu
    Li, Hsi
    Keywords: 中國海權
    China’s sea power
    Marine dispute
    irrational cognitive consistency
    cognitive mechanism
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-02-03 12:21:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自2009年美國提出重返亞洲(Pivot to Asia)的主張後,其對於東亞地區的注意力明顯提高,對區域間的盟友如菲律賓、日本,也加強了各式援助與安全保證。與此同時,隨著中國自改革開放後實力提升,對於向外發展的需求也日益提升。在此過程中,海權的發展,對其而言至關重要,然而中國所面對的是對其發展抱持疑慮的周邊環境。儘管中國強調和平發展原則,然他國仍對其擴展影響力感到不安,其中美國亦將中國認為是潛在的挑戰者,故而採取支持周邊國家的方式限制中國,使中國在近年的海上爭議中與他國呈現僵持的局面。
    本研究主要以Robert Jervis 的認知理論為研究途徑,探討中美在互動中是否產生特定的機制,及對於中國海權發展影響。本研究發現,由認知的角度切入,中美兩國在互動過程中,確有機制存在,而主要起始點為兩國對於中國身分認知是否相符,若是肯定的答案,則兩國對於中國海權的認知將產生理性相符的結果。然而當兩國認知存在差距時,將會導向以非理性相符的態度看待中國海權,中國認為其是良性發展,但現實中卻是造成他國不安;美國認為限制中國符合自身利益,忽略中國和平發展的意圖,形成兩國皆將主觀認知加之於客觀不相容的現實的情況。當兩者的非理性相符認知碰撞的情況下,以本研究的釣魚台爭端為例,將使中國在向外海權發展中,尤其是對海洋領土的主張受到阻礙。
    Since the claiming of “Pivot to Asia”, the U.S. enhanced its support and security insurance toward alliance in East Asia as well. Meanwhile, with the growing of its strength, China’s demand of reaching outward also keeps rising. During this process, the developing of sea power plays an important role. However, the environment which China facing is not as supportive as it expected. Despite its emphasis on peaceful development, there is still anxiety in other countries, especially the U.S. which considers China as possible challenger, thus supporting countries in order to restrict China, leading to stalemate in recent dispute on sea issue.
    Using theory of perception of Robert Jervis as main approach, in order to investigate the mechanism between Sino-U.S. interaction, also its influence on China’s sea power . We find out that there truly is mechanism during the process , and the main point is difference of cognition on China’s identity. If the cognition of the two countries are corresponded, the result of perception on China’s sea power rational cognitive consistency. When perception gap occurs, it will lead to the result of irrational cognitive consistency, which China considers its development as benign, causing the feeling of threatening in reality. In the other hand, the U.S. believes that setting restraint on China brings benefits, thus ignoring China’s true intention, which form the situation of adding subjective perception on contradictive reality. As the Diaoyu Island dispute in the thesis, China’s sea power meets obstacle when the irrational cognitive consistency collapsed.
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