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Title: | 女性在陽剛職場之工作壓力與滿足感研究 -以海巡署機動查緝隊為例 A study of job pressure and satisfaction for females working in a male-dominated environment - a case study of the Reconnaissance Brigade of Coast Guard Administration |
Authors: | 李筱瑩 Lee, Siao Ying |
Contributors: | 蕭武桐 Hsiao, Wu Tung 李筱瑩 Lee, Siao Ying |
Keywords: | 海巡署 陽剛職場 工作滿足感 工作壓力 查緝員 CGA masculine workplace job satisfaction job pressure reconnaissance officer |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2016-02-03 12:17:33 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 海巡署於2000年成立是我國海域的專責機關,其中分為兩套體系即「海洋巡防」、「海岸巡防」,組織成員背景來自軍職、警職、文職人員。海岸巡防下轄之各地區巡防局在各縣市設機動查緝隊,主要內容為海域海岸的犯罪偵防、查緝走私、防止非法入出國以及安全情報蒐報等事項。 跟隨著性別主流化、性別工作平等法的推動,海巡特考招考於2006年取消男女名額限制,越來越多女性查緝員加入陽剛職場。本研究欲探討女性查緝人員進入陽剛職場之工作壓力及工作滿足感,研究對象以海岸巡防總局下轄的各地區機動查緝隊內文職女性人員,以Hellriegel , Slocum& Woodman的工作壓力因子探討,分別從工作本身、組織角色、人際關係、生涯發展、組織結構與氣氛及組織外部六大構面,工作滿足感之研究係依據Vroom所提出的組織本身、工作環境、工作內容三大構面,對於女性查緝人員之工作壓力及滿足感進行探討與分析。 本研究採用深度訪談法,依據地區、年齡、婚姻狀況等不同的樣本特性的基本資料進行抽樣,找出對本研究具有代表性方能提供最豐富的資訊、經驗得以反映出研究的真實情況,以提高研究之可信度。海巡署查緝隊中截至104年底共有28位女性查緝員,本研究從其中挑選了7位受訪者,分別於北、中、南東以及離島地區之女性查緝人員。 研究結果發現,女性在陽剛職場的工作壓力及滿足感深受以下因素影響: 一、個人內在因素:地緣因素、婚姻狀況、教育程度以及生理心理狀態。 二、外在環境因素:人際關係、工作性質、組織文化以及組織結構。 最後,本研究根據上述研究結論,提出具體建議,提供公務機關及未來相關研究之參考。
關鍵詞:海巡署、陽剛職場、工作滿足感、工作壓力、查緝員 The Coast Guard Administration of the Executive Yuan was established in 2000 and it is charged with maintaining law and order, protecting the resources of the territorial waters of the Republic of China. The CGA combined the Coast Guard Command and the Marine Police Bureau. The CGA is organized by military, police officer and government officer. The CGA set up coast guard in every city in Taiwan to provide a first line of defense along coastal areas against smugglers, illegal immigrants and State`s Internal Security Investigation.
With stimulating Gender mainstreaming, Act of Gender Equality in Employment and canceling gender restriction on civil service special examination for coast guard personnel, more and more women work in masculine occupational fields. The purpose of this study is to explore the job stress and the job satisfaction of the women who work in masculine occupational fields. The main research objects are the women who work as coast guard under Coastal Patrol Directorate General control. Based on the data of work stress risk factors of Hellriegel and Slocum& Woodman discusses six themes, including the work itself, organization role, interpersonal relation, career development, organization structure, organization climate and organizational external factors.
The study of job satisfaction bases on the work itself, working environment and the content of the job which are advanced by Vroom to analysis job pressure and job satisfaction of the female detectives.
This research was conducted via depth interview method. According to different area, age and marital status I conducted the random sampling to find out the representative cases. In the end of 2014 there are 28 female detectives in The CGA. The study selected seven of them from eastern, western, southern, northern and outley island of Taiwan. The research results reveal that the job stress and the job satisfaction of the women who work in masculine occupational fields are affected by the following factors: 1. Immanent factors:geological factor, marital status, educational background, physiological condition and mentality. 2. External factors:interpersonal relations, job, organizational culture and organization structure.
Based on the study results, some suggestions were proposed for the reference of government institutions and future researchers.
Key words : CGA, masculine workplace, job satisfaction, job pressure, reconnaissance officer |
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三、網路資料 國際性別通訊文章內容參考如下 http://www.womenweb.org.tw/FileUploads/%7B88A8296C-0168-4255-99E3-52E8C8D1C851%7D_%E7%AC%AC%E5%9B%9B%E6%9C%9F%E9%80%9A%E8%A8%8A.pdf |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 公共行政學系 101256042 |
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