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    政大機構典藏 > 資訊學院 > 資訊科學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/81199
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    Title: 基於語意框架之讀者情緒偵測研究
    Semantic Frame-based Approach for Reader-Emotion Detection
    Authors: 陳聖傑
    Chen, Cen Chieh
    Contributors: 許聞廉

    Hsu, Wen Lian
    Liu, Chao Lin

    Chen, Cen Chieh
    Keywords: 情緒分析
    Reader Emotion Detection
    Semantic Frame
    Frame-based Approach
    Text classification
    Sentiment Analysis
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-02-03 12:14:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 過往對於情緒分析的研究顯少聚焦在讀者情緒,往往著眼於筆者情緒之研究。讀者情緒是指讀者閱讀文章後產生之情緒感受。然而相同一篇文章可能會引起讀者多種情緒反應,甚至產生與筆者迥異之情緒感受,也突顯其讀者情緒分析存在更複雜的問題。本研究之目的在於辨識讀者閱讀文章後之切確情緒,而文件分類的方法能有效地應用於讀者情緒偵測的研究,除了能辨識出正確的讀者情緒之外,並且能保留讀者情緒文件之相關內容。然而,目前的資訊檢索系統仍缺乏對隱含情緒之文件有效的辨識能力,特別是對於讀者情緒的辨識。除此之外,基於機器學習的方法難以讓人類理解,也很難查明辨識失敗的原因,進而無法了解何種文章引發讀者切確的情緒感受。有鑑於此,本研究提出一套基於語意框架(frame-based approach, FBA)之讀者情緒偵測研究的方法,FBA能模擬人類閱讀文章的方式外,並且可以有效地建構讀者情緒之基礎知識,以形成讀者情緒的知識庫。FBA具備高自動化抽取語意概念的基礎知識,除了利用語法結構的特徵,我們進一步考量周邊語境和語義關聯,將相似的知識整合成具有鑑別力之語意框架,並且透過序列比對(sequence alignment)的方式進行讀者情緒文件之匹配。經實驗結果顯示證明,本研究方法能有效地運用於讀者情緒偵測之相關研究。
    Previous studies on emotion classification mainly focus on the writer`s emotional state. By contrast, this research emphasizes emotion detection from the readers` perspective. The classification of documents into reader-emotion categories can be applied in several ways, and one of the applications is to retain only the documents that cause desired emotions for enabling users to retrieve documents that contain relevant contents and at the same time instill proper emotions. However, current IR systems lack of ability to discern emotion within texts, reader-emotion has yet to achieve comparable performance. Moreover, the pervious machine learning-based approaches are generally not human understandable, thereby, it is difficult to pinpoint the reason for recognition failures and understand what emotions do articles trigger in their readers.
    We propose a flexible semantic frame-based approach (FBA) for reader`s emotion detection that simulates such process in human perception. FBA is a highly automated process that incorporates various knowledge sources to learn semantic frames that characterize an emotion and is comprehensible for humans from raw text. Generated frames are adopted to predict readers` emotion through an alignment-based matching algorithm that allows a semantic frame to be partially matched through a statistical scoring scheme. Experiment results demonstrate that our approach can effectively detect readers` emotion by exploiting the syntactic structures and semantic associations in the context as well as outperforms currently well-known statistical text classification methods and the stat-of-the-art reader-emotion detection method.
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